render capable or able for some task; "This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street"; "The rope enables you to secure yourself when you climb the mountain"
providing or experiencing physical discomfort; "an uncomfortable chair"; "an uncomfortable day in the hot sun"
conducive to or feeling mental discomfort; "this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable"; "the uncomfortable truth"; "grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye"; "an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest"; "the teacher's presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable"
demand for something as rightful or due; "they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day"
an informal right to something; "his claim on her attentions"; "his title to fame"
an assertion of a right (as to money or property); "his claim asked for damages"
an assertion that something is true or factual; "his claim that he was innocent"; "evidence contradicted the government's claims"
take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs; "the accident claimed three lives"; "The hard work took its toll on her"
assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing; "He claimed that he killed the burglar"
lay claim to; as of an idea; "She took credit for the whole idea"
ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example; "They claimed on the maximum allowable amount"
demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to; "He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter"; "Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident"
the destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile; "the pilot reported two kills during the mission"
destroy a vitally essential quality of or in; "Eating artichokes kills the taste of all other foods"
cause to cease operating; "kill the engine"
tire out completely; "The daily stress of her work is killing her"
mark for deletion, rub off, or erase; "kill these lines in the President's speech"
cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
cause the death of, without intention; "She was killed in the collision of three cars"
deprive of life; "AIDS has killed thousands in Africa"
hit with great force; "He killed the ball"
hit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games; "She killed the ball"
overwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration; "The comedian was so funny, he was killing me!"
be the source of great pain for; "These new shoes are killing me!"
thwart the passage of; "kill a motion"; "he shot down the student's proposal"
be fatal; "cigarettes kill"; "drunken driving kills"
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
fear resulting from the awareness of danger
warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries"