Exact Match:
- random sample
- a sample grabbed at random
- a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
- accidentality,
- actuarial calculation,
- adjunct,
- adventitiousness,
- barometer,
- break,
- casualness,
- chance,
- component,
- contingent,
- cross section,
- destiny,
- detachment,
- detail,
- division,
- dole,
- fate,
- feeler,
- flukiness,
- fortuitousness,
- fortuity,
- fortune,
- fraction,
- gamble,
- good fortune,
- good luck,
- hap,
- happenstance,
- happy chance,
- heedless hap,
- how they fall,
- indeterminacy,
- indeterminateness,
- installment,
- item,
- law of averages,
- lot,
- luck,
- moira,
- opportunity,
- parcel,
- part,
- particular,
- percentage,
- pilot balloon,
- portion,
- principle of indeterminacy,
- probability,
- probe,
- problematicness,
- quadrant,
- quarter,
- quota,
- remainder,
- risk,
- run of luck,
- sample,
- sampling,
- section,
- sector,
- segment,
- serendipity,
- share,
- sound,
- sounder,
- statistical probability,
- straw vote,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- subspecies,
- the breaks,
- theory of probability,
- trial balloon,
- uncertainty,
- uncertainty principle,
- weather vane,
- weathercock,
- whatever comes