Exact Match:
- rap
- genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged
- voluble conversation
- a gentle blow
- talk volubly
- strike sharply; "rap him on the knuckles"
- perform rap music
- a continental,
- a curse,
- a damn,
- a darn,
- a hoot,
- admonishment,
- admonition,
- adverse criticism,
- air,
- airing,
- analysis,
- analyze,
- anathematizing,
- animadversion,
- aspersion,
- bad notices,
- bad press,
- bagatelle,
- bang,
- bash,
- baste,
- bat,
- batter,
- bauble,
- beak,
- bean,
- beat,
- beating,
- belt,
- bibelot,
- biff,
- bit,
- blame,
- blow,
- bob,
- bonk,
- brass farthing,
- brush,
- buffet,
- bump,
- bunt,
- burst,
- bust,
- button,
- buzz session,
- canvass,
- canvassing,
- captiousness,
- carping,
- causerie,
- cavil,
- caviling,
- censoriousness,
- censure,
- cent,
- chat,
- chiding,
- chin,
- chink,
- chop,
- chuck,
- clap,
- clash,
- click,
- clink,
- clip,
- clop,
- clout,
- clump,
- clunk,
- colloquium,
- comment upon,
- condemn,
- condemnation,
- confabulation,
- conference,
- conk,
- consider,
- consideration,
- controvert,
- conviction,
- crack,
- crash,
- criticism,
- criticize,
- crump,
- curio,
- cut,
- dab,
- damnation,
- dash,
- deal with,
- death sentence,
- death warrant,
- debate,
- debating,
- deliberate,
- deliberate upon,
- deliberation,
- denounce,
- denouncement,
- denunciate,
- denunciation,
- dialectic,
- dialogue,
- dig,
- dint,
- discourse about,
- discuss,
- discussion,
- doom,
- drub,
- drubbing,
- drumming,
- dull thud,
- examination,
- examine,
- exception,
- exchange of views,
- exchange views,
- excommunication,
- farce,
- farthing,
- faultfinding,
- feather,
- fig,
- fillip,
- flail,
- flak,
- flap,
- fleabite,
- flick,
- flip,
- flirt,
- flop,
- flump,
- folderol,
- forum,
- fribble,
- frippery,
- fusillade,
- gaud,
- gewgaw,
- gimcrack,
- go into,
- graze,
- guilty verdict,
- hair,
- hairsplitting,
- halfpenny,
- hammer,
- handle,
- hill of beans,
- hit,
- home thrust,
- hostile criticism,
- hypercriticalness,
- hypercriticism,
- imputation,
- investigate,
- investigation,
- jab,
- jest,
- joint discussion,
- joke,
- judgment,
- kickshaw,
- knickknack,
- knickknackery,
- knock,
- knock around,
- lambaste,
- larrup,
- lick,
- logical analysis,
- logical discussion,
- maul,
- minikin,
- mockery,
- molehill,
- nagging,
- niggle,
- niggling,
- nit,
- nit-picking,
- obloquy,
- open discussion,
- open forum,
- overcriticalness,
- pad,
- pan,
- panel discussion,
- pass under review,
- paste,
- pat,
- patter,
- peck,
- pelt,
- peppercorn,
- pestering,
- pettifogging,
- picayune,
- pick,
- pin,
- pinch of snuff,
- pinprick,
- pitapat,
- pitter-patter,
- plump,
- plunk,
- poke,
- pommel,
- pop,
- pound,
- priggishness,
- proscription,
- prose,
- pulverize,
- pummel,
- punch,
- quibble,
- quibbling,
- rap session,
- reason,
- reason about,
- reason the point,
- red cent,
- reflection,
- report,
- reprehend,
- reprimand,
- reproach,
- reproachfulness,
- reprobate,
- reproof,
- review,
- row of pins,
- rush,
- seminar,
- sentence,
- shit,
- sift,
- skin,
- slam,
- slap,
- slat,
- sledgehammer,
- slog,
- slug,
- smack,
- smash,
- snap,
- sneeshing,
- snipe at,
- sock,
- sou,
- spank,
- splat,
- straw,
- stricture,
- stroke,
- study,
- swap,
- swat,
- swing,
- swipe,
- symposium,
- take up,
- taking exception,
- talk,
- talk about,
- talk of,
- talk over,
- tap,
- tattoo,
- thrash,
- thresh,
- thresh out,
- thud,
- thump,
- thwack,
- tick,
- tickle,
- tinkle,
- tip,
- touch,
- town meeting,
- toy,
- treat,
- treatment,
- trichoschistism,
- trifle,
- trinket,
- triviality,
- tunk,
- tuppence,
- two cents,
- twopence,
- ventilate,
- ventilation,
- verdict of guilty,
- wallop,
- whack,
- wham,
- whap,
- whim-wham,
- whip,
- whisk,
- whomp,
- whop,
- wig,
- wipe,
- yarn,
- yerk