Exact Match:
- rejoinder
- (law) a pleading made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff's replication
- a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one); "it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher"
- acknowledgment,
- answer,
- answering,
- antiphon,
- back answer,
- back talk,
- backchat,
- comeback,
- confutation,
- contraremonstrance,
- counteraccusation,
- counterblast,
- countercharge,
- counterclaim,
- counterreply,
- counterstatement,
- defense,
- echo,
- evasive reply,
- reaction,
- ready reply,
- rebuttal,
- rebutter,
- receipt,
- refutation,
- repartee,
- replication,
- reply,
- repost,
- rescript,
- rescription,
- respond,
- respondence,
- response,
- responsion,
- responsory,
- retort,
- return,
- reverberation,
- riposte,
- short answer,
- snappy comeback,
- surrebuttal,
- surrebutter,
- surrejoinder,
- witty reply,
- witty retort,
- yes-and-no answer