Exact Match:
- restriction
- the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)
- a principle that limits the extent of something; "I am willing to accept certain restrictions on my movements"
- allowance,
- arrest,
- arrestation,
- arrestment,
- ban,
- bar,
- barring,
- blockade,
- blockage,
- blocking,
- boundary,
- bounds,
- boycott,
- brake,
- caging,
- cession,
- check,
- circumscription,
- clogging,
- closeness,
- closing up,
- closure,
- concession,
- condition,
- confinement,
- constraint,
- constriction,
- continence,
- control,
- cramp,
- cramping,
- crowdedness,
- curb,
- debarment,
- debarring,
- delay,
- demarcation,
- detainment,
- detention,
- discipline,
- embargo,
- exception,
- exclusion,
- exemption,
- extenuating circumstances,
- fixation,
- foot-dragging,
- grain of salt,
- grant,
- hair,
- hairbreadth,
- hairsbreadth,
- hampering,
- hedge,
- hedging,
- hindering,
- hindrance,
- holdback,
- holdup,
- impediment,
- impoundment,
- inadmissibility,
- incapaciousness,
- incommodiousness,
- inhibition,
- injunction,
- interference,
- interruption,
- let,
- limit,
- limitation,
- lockout,
- lockup,
- mental reservation,
- moderation,
- modification,
- narrow gauge,
- narrowing,
- narrowness,
- nearness,
- negativism,
- nonadmission,
- nuisance value,
- obstruction,
- obstructionism,
- occlusion,
- omission,
- opposition,
- penning,
- preclusion,
- prescription,
- prohibition,
- proscription,
- provision,
- proviso,
- qualification,
- rejection,
- relegation,
- repression,
- repudiation,
- reservation,
- resistance,
- restrain,
- restraint,
- restrictedness,
- retardation,
- retardment,
- salvo,
- setback,
- slenderness,
- special case,
- special treatment,
- specialness,
- specification,
- squeeze,
- stint,
- stipulation,
- straitness,
- stranglehold,
- strictness,
- stricture,
- suppression,
- taboo,
- tight squeeze,
- tightness,
- waiver