Exact Match:
- review
- practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory
- (law) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially by an appellate court)
- an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)
- a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art
- (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data
- look at again; examine again; "let's review your situation"
- look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride"
- hold a review (of troops)
- refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the test"
- appraise critically; "She reviews books for the New York Times"; "Please critique this performance"
- Grand Guignol,
- Passion play,
- Tom show,
- abbreviation,
- abbreviature,
- abrege,
- abridgment,
- abstract,
- afterthought,
- air,
- airing,
- analysis,
- analyze,
- annotate,
- annual,
- antimasque,
- application,
- approval,
- array,
- assess,
- assessment,
- audience success,
- autopsy,
- ballet,
- battologize,
- bimonthly,
- biweekly,
- bomb,
- bone,
- boning,
- book review,
- brainwork,
- brief,
- bring back,
- bring to mind,
- broadcast drama,
- brush up,
- burlesque show,
- buzz session,
- call back,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- canvass,
- canvassing,
- capsule,
- caravan,
- cavalcade,
- censure,
- charade,
- check,
- check out,
- check over,
- check up on,
- cliff hanger,
- closet drama,
- colloquium,
- column,
- comedy drama,
- comment,
- comment upon,
- commentary,
- commentation,
- commitment to memory,
- compend,
- con,
- condensation,
- condensed version,
- conference,
- conjure up,
- conning,
- consider,
- consideration,
- conspectus,
- contemplate,
- contemplation,
- controvert,
- copy,
- cortege,
- cram,
- critical bibliography,
- critical journal,
- critical notice,
- critical review,
- critical success,
- criticism,
- criticize,
- critique,
- daily,
- daybook,
- daytime serial,
- deal with,
- debate,
- debating,
- deliberate,
- deliberate upon,
- deliberation,
- descant,
- developed thought,
- dialectic,
- dialogue,
- diary,
- dig,
- digest,
- discourse,
- discourse about,
- discuss,
- discussion,
- dissert,
- dissertate,
- documentary drama,
- draft,
- drama,
- dramalogue,
- dramatic play,
- dramatic series,
- dress parade,
- drill,
- duodrama,
- duologue,
- dwelling upon,
- editorial,
- elaboration,
- elucubrate,
- engrossment,
- ephemeris,
- epic theater,
- epitome,
- evaluate,
- evaluation,
- evoke,
- examination,
- examine,
- exchange of views,
- exchange views,
- exercise,
- exercise of memory,
- experimental theater,
- extensive study,
- extravaganza,
- failure,
- fill,
- flashback,
- flop,
- flyover,
- fortnightly,
- forum,
- funeral,
- gasser,
- gazette,
- get up on,
- give an encore,
- give an examination,
- giveaway,
- gloss,
- go back,
- go back over,
- go into,
- go over,
- go through,
- going over,
- grind,
- grinding,
- handle,
- happening,
- hark back,
- have second thoughts,
- head,
- headwork,
- hindsight,
- hit,
- hit show,
- improvisational drama,
- inquire into,
- inspect,
- inspection,
- investigate,
- investigation,
- iterate,
- iteration,
- joint discussion,
- journal,
- judge,
- judgement,
- knock around,
- leader,
- leading article,
- learning by heart,
- legitimate drama,
- line,
- literary criticism,
- logical analysis,
- logical discussion,
- look at,
- look back,
- look over,
- looking back,
- lucubrate,
- lucubration,
- magazine,
- march past,
- masque,
- mature thought,
- melodrama,
- memoir,
- memorization,
- memorizing,
- mental labor,
- mind,
- minstrel show,
- miracle,
- miracle play,
- monitor,
- monodrama,
- monologue,
- monthly,
- morality,
- morality play,
- moralize upon,
- motorcade,
- mule train,
- music drama,
- musical revue,
- mystery,
- mystery play,
- narration,
- narrative,
- newsmagazine,
- notice,
- observe,
- open discussion,
- open forum,
- opera,
- organ,
- outline,
- overhaul,
- overhauling,
- overlook,
- overview,
- pack train,
- pad,
- pageant,
- pandect,
- panel discussion,
- panel show,
- pantomime,
- parade,
- pass over,
- pass under review,
- pastoral,
- pastoral drama,
- peer at,
- periodical,
- perlustration,
- perusal,
- peruse,
- pictorial,
- piece,
- play,
- playlet,
- plunge into,
- polish up,
- pomp,
- pore over,
- postmortem,
- practice,
- practicing,
- precis,
- problem play,
- procession,
- promenade,
- psychodrama,
- quality control,
- quarterly,
- quiz show,
- radio drama,
- rap,
- rap session,
- re-examination,
- re-examine,
- read,
- reading,
- reaffirm,
- reaffirmation,
- reappraisal,
- reappraise,
- reason,
- reason about,
- reason the point,
- reassert,
- reassess,
- reassessment,
- rebehold,
- recall,
- recall to mind,
- recalling,
- recap,
- recapitulate,
- recapitulation,
- recapture,
- recheck,
- recital,
- recite,
- recollect,
- recollecting,
- recollection,
- reconsider,
- reconsideration,
- recount,
- recountal,
- recounting,
- reevaluate,
- reevoke,
- reexamine,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- refresh the memory,
- regard,
- regard studiously,
- rehash,
- rehearsal,
- rehearse,
- reinquire,
- reinquiry,
- reissue,
- reiterate,
- reiteration,
- relation,
- remark,
- remark upon,
- remember,
- remembering,
- remembrance,
- reminiscence,
- report,
- reprint,
- restate,
- restatement,
- restudy,
- restudying,
- resume,
- retail,
- retell,
- retelling,
- rethink,
- rethinking,
- retrace,
- retrospect,
- retrospection,
- revaluate,
- revaluation,
- review in retrospect,
- reviewing,
- revise,
- revision,
- revive,
- revue,
- reword,
- ripe idea,
- rote,
- rote memory,
- rub up,
- rubric,
- run over,
- run-through,
- running commentary,
- say over,
- say over again,
- scan,
- scrutinize,
- scrutiny,
- second thought,
- second thoughts,
- see in retrospect,
- seminar,
- sensational play,
- serial,
- set an examination,
- shortened version,
- show,
- sift,
- sitcom,
- situation comedy,
- size,
- size up,
- skeleton,
- sketch,
- skimmington,
- skit,
- slick magazine,
- soap,
- soap opera,
- sociodrama,
- spectacle,
- stage play,
- stage show,
- straight drama,
- stream,
- string,
- study,
- studying,
- subject,
- success,
- sum up,
- summarize,
- summary,
- summing up,
- summon up,
- survey,
- suspense drama,
- swot,
- swotting,
- syllabus,
- symposium,
- synopsis,
- tableau,
- tableau vivant,
- take stock of,
- take the measure,
- take up,
- tale-telling,
- talk,
- talk about,
- talk of,
- talk over,
- talk show,
- tautologize,
- teleplay,
- television drama,
- television play,
- telling,
- theater of cruelty,
- think back,
- think better of,
- think of,
- think over,
- thresh out,
- thumbnail sketch,
- topical outline,
- total theater,
- touch upon,
- town meeting,
- trade magazine,
- train,
- treat,
- treat of,
- treatment,
- use hindsight,
- variety show,
- vaudeville,
- vaudeville show,
- vehicle,
- ventilate,
- ventilation,
- vet,
- visitation,
- wade through,
- weekly,
- weigh,
- wide reading,
- word-of-mouth success,
- work,
- write up,
- write-up,
- yarn spinning,
- yearbook