Exact Match:
- rightist
- a member of a right wing political party
- believing in or supporting tenets of the political right
- Bircher,
- Bourbon,
- Tory,
- bitter-ender,
- conservationist,
- conservatist,
- conservative,
- diehard,
- extreme right-winger,
- fogy,
- fundamentalist,
- hard hat,
- imperialist,
- laudator temporis acti,
- monarchist,
- mossback,
- old fogy,
- old liner,
- old school,
- radical right,
- reactionarist,
- reactionary,
- reactionist,
- right,
- right wing,
- right-winger,
- royalist,
- social Darwinist,
- standpat,
- standpatter,
- stick-in-the-mud,
- tory,
- ultraconservative