Exact Match:
- ring
- jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger; "she had rings on every finger"; "he noted that she wore a wedding band"
- a square platform marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle
- a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"
- the sound of a bell ringing; "the distinctive ring of the church bell"; "the ringing of the telephone"; "the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells"--E. A. Poe
- a toroidal shape; "a ring of ships in the harbor"; "a halo of smoke"
- attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"
- sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"
- make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; "Ring the bells"; "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"
- Bund,
- Chinese boxing,
- DDD,
- Kekule formula,
- O,
- Rochdale cooperative,
- affiliation,
- agora,
- alliance,
- amphitheater,
- anklet,
- annular muscle,
- annulet,
- annulus,
- anthelion,
- antisun,
- arena,
- areola,
- armlet,
- armory,
- assemblage,
- association,
- athletic field,
- atomic cluster,
- auditorium,
- aura,
- aureole,
- awake the dead,
- axis,
- background,
- badge,
- badge of office,
- badges,
- band,
- bandeau,
- bangle,
- baton,
- beads,
- bear garden,
- bearing,
- begird,
- bell,
- belt,
- belt in,
- benzene ring,
- bijou,
- bilge,
- bind,
- blain,
- blast,
- blast the ear,
- blazonry,
- bleb,
- blister,
- blob,
- bloc,
- body,
- bong,
- boom,
- border,
- boss,
- bout,
- bow,
- bowl,
- boxing,
- boxing match,
- boxing ring,
- bracelet,
- branched chain,
- brassard,
- breastpin,
- brooch,
- brotherhood,
- bubble,
- bulb,
- bulge,
- bull ring,
- bulla,
- bump,
- bunch,
- burl,
- busy signal,
- button,
- buzz,
- cabal,
- cadre,
- cahot,
- call,
- call up,
- camarilla,
- camp,
- campus,
- canvas,
- cap and gown,
- cartel,
- cell,
- cestus,
- chain,
- chain of office,
- change ringing,
- chaplet,
- charm,
- charmed circle,
- chatelaine,
- chime,
- chiming,
- chine,
- chink,
- cincture,
- cingulum,
- circle,
- circlet,
- circuit,
- circumference,
- circus,
- clan,
- clang,
- clanging,
- clangor,
- clank,
- clanking,
- class ring,
- clink,
- clinking,
- clique,
- close fighting,
- closed chain,
- closed circle,
- clump,
- coalition,
- cockade,
- cockpit,
- coliseum,
- collar,
- collarband,
- college,
- colosseum,
- combination,
- combine,
- common market,
- compass,
- compound radical,
- condyle,
- confederacy,
- confederation,
- consumer cooperative,
- convex,
- cooperative,
- cooperative society,
- corona,
- coronet,
- corps,
- coterie,
- council,
- countersun,
- course,
- crash,
- credit union,
- crescendo,
- crew,
- crook,
- crosier,
- cross,
- crowd,
- crown,
- cuff,
- customs union,
- cycle,
- deafen,
- decoration,
- diadem,
- dial,
- dial tone,
- din,
- ding,
- ding-a-ling,
- dingdong,
- dinging,
- dingle,
- direct distance dialing,
- discus,
- disk,
- dong,
- donging,
- dowel,
- dress,
- eagle,
- ear,
- earring,
- echo,
- echoing,
- ecliptic,
- economic community,
- elite,
- elite group,
- emblems,
- embrace,
- encincture,
- encircle,
- enclosure,
- encompass,
- engird,
- ensigns,
- ensphere,
- envelop,
- equator,
- eternal return,
- eye,
- eyelet,
- faction,
- fairy ring,
- fasces,
- fascia,
- federation,
- field,
- fighting,
- figurehead,
- fill the air,
- fillet,
- finger ring,
- fisticuffs,
- flange,
- flap,
- fleur-de-lis,
- floor,
- fob,
- forum,
- fraternity,
- free trade area,
- gall,
- gang,
- garland,
- gem,
- gird,
- girdle,
- girt,
- girth,
- give a ring,
- gland,
- glory,
- gnarl,
- gong,
- great circle,
- grommet,
- ground,
- group,
- grouping,
- guild,
- gym,
- gymnasium,
- hall,
- halo,
- hammer and sickle,
- handle,
- hang up,
- hem,
- heraldry,
- heterocycle,
- hill,
- hippodrome,
- hold the phone,
- homocycle,
- hoop,
- hump,
- hunch,
- infighting,
- ingroup,
- inner circle,
- insignia,
- jangle,
- jangling,
- jewel,
- jingle,
- jingle-jangle,
- jinglejangle,
- jingling,
- jog,
- joggle,
- junta,
- junto,
- keys,
- knell,
- knelling,
- knob,
- knoll,
- knot,
- knur,
- knurl,
- lapel pin,
- lasso,
- lattice,
- league,
- lip,
- listen in,
- lists,
- livery,
- local call,
- locale,
- locket,
- logical circle,
- long distance,
- long-distance call,
- loop,
- looplet,
- lump,
- lunar corona,
- lunar halo,
- mace,
- machine,
- magic circle,
- make a call,
- mantle,
- marketplace,
- markings,
- mat,
- medal,
- milieu,
- miter,
- mob,
- mobile call,
- mock moon,
- mock sun,
- mole,
- molecule,
- mountain,
- neckband,
- necklace,
- nevus,
- nimbus,
- noose,
- nose ring,
- nub,
- nubbin,
- nubble,
- old school tie,
- open forum,
- orbit,
- organization,
- outfit,
- pack,
- palaestra,
- pallium,
- papilloma,
- parade ground,
- paraselene,
- parhelic circle,
- parhelion,
- partnership,
- party,
- pastoral staff,
- peal,
- peal ringing,
- pealing,
- peg,
- person-to-person call,
- phone,
- phone call,
- pin,
- pit,
- place,
- platform,
- political machine,
- precinct,
- precious stone,
- prize ring,
- prizefight,
- prizefighting,
- public square,
- pugilism,
- purlieu,
- quoit,
- radical,
- radius,
- rainbow,
- range,
- rattle the windows,
- red hat,
- regalia,
- rend the air,
- rend the ears,
- resonate,
- resonating,
- resound,
- reverberate,
- reverberating,
- reverberation,
- rhinestone,
- rib,
- ridge,
- ring changes,
- ring off,
- ring up,
- ringing,
- ringlet,
- rink,
- rise,
- rock the sky,
- rondelle,
- rose,
- round,
- roundel,
- roundlet,
- saucer,
- savate,
- scene,
- scene of action,
- scenery,
- school ring,
- secret society,
- set,
- setting,
- shadowboxing,
- shamrock,
- shoulder,
- side chain,
- sigillography,
- simple radical,
- sisterhood,
- site,
- skull and crossbones,
- society,
- solar corona,
- solar halo,
- sorority,
- sound,
- sound a knell,
- sounding,
- space-lattice,
- spar,
- sphere,
- sphincter,
- sphragistics,
- spine,
- split the eardrums,
- split the ears,
- squared circle,
- stadium,
- staff,
- stage,
- stage set,
- stage setting,
- staple,
- startle the echoes,
- station-to-station call,
- stickpin,
- stone,
- straight chain,
- stud,
- stun,
- style,
- sun dog,
- surge,
- surround,
- swastika,
- swell,
- tab,
- tartan,
- team,
- telephone,
- telephone call,
- terrain,
- the clinches,
- the fights,
- the ring,
- theater,
- thistle,
- thunder,
- tiara,
- tie,
- tilting ground,
- tiltyard,
- tin,
- ting,
- ting-a-ling,
- tingle,
- tingling,
- tink,
- tinkle,
- tinkling,
- tinnitus,
- tintinnabulate,
- toll,
- toll call,
- tolling,
- torque,
- triple crown,
- tubercle,
- tubercule,
- twine around,
- uniform,
- union,
- verge,
- verruca,
- vesicle,
- vicious circle,
- wale,
- walk,
- wampum,
- wand,
- wart,
- washer,
- we-group,
- welt,
- wheel,
- wreath,
- wreathe,
- wreathe around,
- wrestling ring,
- wristband,
- wristlet,
- zodiac,
- zone