Exact Match:
- roll
- the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
- a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
- walking with a swaying gait
- anything rolled up in cylindrical form
- photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
- a list of names; "his name was struck off the rolls"
- execute a roll, in tumbling; "The gymnasts rolled and jumped"
- show certain properties when being rolled; "The carpet rolls unevenly"; "dried-out tobacco rolls badly"
- take the shape of a roll or cylinder; "the carpet rolled out"; "Yarn rolls well"
- shape by rolling; "roll a cigarette"
- pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/; "She rolls her r's"
- begin operating or running; "The cameras were rolling"; "The presses are already rolling"
- move by turning over or rotating; "The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side"
- cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis; "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"
- move, rock, or sway from side to side; "The ship rolled on the heavy seas"
- move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
- move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion; "The curtains undulated"; "the waves rolled towards the beach"
- emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound; "The thunder rolled"; "rolling drums"
- occur in soft rounded shapes; "The hills rolled past"
- Danish,
- Danish pastry,
- English muffin,
- Parker House roll,
- Yorkshire pudding,
- account,
- advance,
- agenda,
- align,
- amble,
- angular momentum,
- angular motion,
- angular velocity,
- annals,
- arrive,
- axial motion,
- backing,
- bagel,
- bale,
- bank,
- bankroll,
- barge,
- barrage,
- barrel,
- bask,
- bask in,
- be effortless,
- be painless,
- be poised,
- be reflected,
- be sent back,
- beadroll,
- beat,
- beat a ruffle,
- beat a tattoo,
- beating,
- bialy,
- bialystoker,
- bibliofilm,
- billow,
- billowing,
- bindle,
- bipack,
- black-and-white film,
- blank,
- blunder,
- bob,
- bobble,
- bole,
- bolt,
- boom,
- booming,
- bore,
- bounce back,
- bouquet,
- bowl,
- bowl along,
- bowling,
- break,
- breakers,
- budget,
- bun,
- bundle,
- bunt,
- butt,
- cackle,
- cadastre,
- calendar,
- calender,
- cannonade,
- careen,
- career,
- carol,
- cartridge,
- cask,
- cast,
- catalog,
- catalogue,
- caw,
- census,
- census report,
- centrifugation,
- chatter,
- checklist,
- checkroll,
- cheep,
- chirk,
- chirograph,
- chirp,
- chirr,
- chirrup,
- chitter,
- chop,
- choppiness,
- chopping sea,
- chronicle,
- chronicles,
- chuck,
- circle,
- circulation,
- circumgyration,
- circumrotation,
- cirrus,
- clack,
- clover-leaf roll,
- cluck,
- clump,
- coast,
- cock-a-doodle-doo,
- coffee cake,
- coggle,
- coil,
- color film,
- color negative film,
- column,
- comb,
- comber,
- come along,
- come in,
- come on,
- commute,
- coo,
- corkscrew,
- correspondence,
- course,
- cover ground,
- crab,
- crap,
- craps,
- crash,
- crescent roll,
- croak,
- croissant,
- cronk,
- cross bun,
- crow,
- cruise,
- crumpet,
- cuckoo,
- curl,
- curlicue,
- cycle,
- cylinder,
- cylindroid,
- dangle,
- dash,
- deck,
- delight in,
- dip,
- directory,
- dirty water,
- disappear,
- docket,
- document,
- documentation,
- dope,
- dossier,
- drag,
- dramatis personae,
- drift,
- drive,
- droop,
- drum,
- drum music,
- drumbeat,
- drumfire,
- drumming,
- dry plate,
- eagre,
- ebb and flow,
- echo,
- echo back,
- elapse,
- emulsion,
- enfold,
- enshroud,
- envelop,
- enwrap,
- equalize,
- evaporate,
- even,
- even out,
- evolute,
- expire,
- fagot,
- falter,
- fardel,
- fare,
- fare forth,
- fasces,
- fascine,
- feather,
- fell,
- fetch,
- file,
- film,
- fishtail,
- flatten,
- flit,
- float,
- flounce,
- flounder,
- flow,
- flow in,
- fluctuate,
- flush,
- flutter,
- fly,
- foot,
- footslog,
- form,
- forward,
- frame,
- full circle,
- furl,
- gabble,
- gad,
- gaggle,
- gain ground,
- gait,
- gallivant,
- gallop,
- gang,
- gather head,
- gather way,
- gem,
- get ahead,
- get along,
- give no trouble,
- glide,
- go,
- go ahead,
- go along,
- go around,
- go easily,
- go fast,
- go forward,
- go like clockwork,
- go on,
- go pitapat,
- gobble,
- grade,
- gravity wave,
- ground swell,
- grovel,
- growl,
- grumble,
- guggle,
- gush,
- gyrate,
- gyration,
- gyre,
- halt,
- hard roll,
- head count,
- heave,
- heavy sea,
- heavy swell,
- helix,
- hie,
- hippety-hop,
- history,
- hitch,
- hobble,
- hobbyhorse,
- holograph,
- honk,
- honor roll,
- hoo,
- hoot,
- hop,
- hot cross bun,
- hot-press,
- impel,
- index,
- indulge,
- indulge in,
- instrument,
- inventory,
- involute,
- iron,
- jog,
- jolt,
- jump,
- jury list,
- jury panel,
- kaiser roll,
- kink,
- labor,
- lay,
- lay down,
- lay flat,
- lay level,
- lay low,
- lay out,
- legal document,
- legal instrument,
- legal paper,
- letters,
- level,
- level off,
- librate,
- lift,
- limp,
- lineup,
- list,
- listing,
- lock step,
- loop,
- lop,
- lumber,
- lunge,
- lurch,
- luxuriate,
- luxuriate in,
- make good time,
- make head against,
- make headway,
- make heavy weather,
- make progress,
- make progress against,
- make strides,
- make up leeway,
- mangle,
- memorial,
- microfilm,
- mince,
- mincing steps,
- money,
- monochromatic film,
- mooch,
- motion-picture film,
- move,
- move along,
- move forward,
- move on,
- muffin,
- muster,
- muster roll,
- natural,
- negative,
- nick,
- nose count,
- nosegay,
- nutate,
- official document,
- onion roll,
- orbit,
- order of business,
- orthochromatic film,
- oscillate,
- pace,
- pack,
- package,
- packet,
- paddle,
- palpitate,
- palpitation,
- panchromatic film,
- paper,
- papers,
- paradiddle,
- parcel,
- parchment,
- part,
- pass,
- pass along,
- pass on,
- patter,
- peak,
- peal,
- pedal,
- peep,
- peg,
- pendulate,
- personal file,
- photographic paper,
- piaffe,
- piaffer,
- piece,
- pillar,
- pinwheel roll,
- pip,
- pipe,
- pipe roll,
- pitapat,
- pitch,
- pitch and plunge,
- pitch and toss,
- pitching,
- pitter-patter,
- pivoting,
- plate,
- plod,
- plow,
- plunge,
- pole,
- poll,
- popover,
- popple,
- porpoise,
- portion,
- posy,
- pound,
- pounding,
- pour in,
- prance,
- present no difficulties,
- press,
- printing paper,
- proceed,
- program,
- progress,
- propel,
- property roll,
- pull out,
- pull up,
- pulsate,
- pulsation,
- push,
- push down,
- quack,
- questionnaire,
- quiver,
- rack,
- ramble,
- range,
- rase,
- rat-a-tat,
- rat-tat,
- rat-tat-tat,
- rataplan,
- rattattoo,
- raze,
- rear,
- rebound,
- record,
- recording,
- reecho,
- reel,
- reeling,
- register,
- registry,
- rejoice in,
- relic,
- relish,
- remains,
- resonate,
- resound,
- return,
- returns,
- revel,
- revel in,
- reverberate,
- reverberation,
- revolution,
- revolve,
- ride,
- riffle,
- ringlet,
- ripple,
- rise,
- rise and fall,
- roam,
- roar,
- rob,
- rock,
- rocking,
- roll call,
- roll flat,
- roll in,
- roll on,
- roll out,
- roll up,
- roller,
- rollick,
- rolling,
- rolls,
- roster,
- rota,
- rotate,
- rotation,
- rotational motion,
- rough water,
- rouleau,
- rove,
- row,
- rub-a-dub,
- ruff,
- ruffle,
- rumble,
- run,
- run smoothly,
- sail,
- sashay,
- saunter,
- savor,
- scend,
- schedule,
- scold,
- scone,
- screw,
- scrip,
- script,
- scroll,
- scuff,
- scuffle,
- scuttle,
- sea,
- seethe,
- send,
- send back,
- shake,
- shamble,
- sheaf,
- shoestring,
- shot,
- shove,
- show up,
- shroud,
- shuffle,
- shunt,
- sideslip,
- sidle,
- sing,
- single-foot,
- skid,
- skip,
- slate,
- slide,
- slink,
- slip,
- slither,
- slog,
- slouch,
- slowness,
- sluice,
- smash,
- smooth,
- smooth out,
- smoothen,
- soft roll,
- somersault,
- somerset,
- sound,
- sound a tattoo,
- sound film,
- sound track,
- sound-on-film,
- soundstripe,
- spatter,
- spin,
- spinning,
- spiral,
- splatter,
- split,
- splutter,
- spool,
- spread out,
- sputter,
- squawk,
- staccato,
- stagger,
- stalk,
- stamp,
- steamroll,
- steamroller,
- stem,
- step,
- step forward,
- stomp,
- straddle,
- straggle,
- stray,
- stream,
- stride,
- strip,
- stroll,
- strolling gait,
- struggle,
- strut,
- stumble,
- stump,
- stunt,
- surf,
- surge,
- swag,
- swagger,
- swathe,
- sway,
- sweep,
- sweep along,
- swell,
- swing,
- swinging,
- swirl,
- swirling,
- swiveling,
- table,
- take pleasure in,
- tat-tat,
- tattoo,
- tax roll,
- tendril,
- thrash about,
- throb,
- throbbing,
- throw,
- thrum,
- thrust,
- thump,
- thumping,
- thunder,
- tidal bore,
- tidal wave,
- tide wave,
- tittup,
- toddle,
- token,
- tom-tom,
- toss,
- toss and tumble,
- toss and turn,
- tossing,
- totter,
- trace,
- traipse,
- travel,
- tread,
- treadle,
- trill,
- trip,
- tripack,
- troll,
- trolling,
- trot,
- trough,
- trudge,
- trundle,
- trundling,
- trunk,
- truss,
- tsunami,
- tube,
- tumble,
- turbination,
- turn over,
- turn up,
- turning,
- tweet,
- twirl,
- twist,
- twit,
- twitter,
- uncoil,
- uncurl,
- undulate,
- undulation,
- unfold,
- unfurl,
- unroll,
- unwind,
- vacillate,
- vanish,
- vehicle,
- velocity,
- vestige,
- vibrate,
- volutation,
- volute,
- volution,
- vortex,
- wad,
- waddle,
- wag,
- waggle,
- walk,
- wallop,
- wallow,
- wallow in,
- wamble,
- warble,
- water wave,
- wave,
- wavelet,
- waver,
- waving,
- wayfare,
- welter,
- wend,
- wheel,
- wheeling,
- whir,
- whirl,
- whirling,
- whistle,
- white horses,
- whitecaps,
- whorl,
- wiggle,
- wind up,
- wobble,
- work well,
- wrap up,
- writ,
- writing,
- yaw