Exact Match:
- roundly
- in a round manner; "she was roundly slim"
- about,
- all but,
- all joking aside,
- almost,
- altogether,
- approximately,
- approximatively,
- as good as,
- bluffly,
- bluntly,
- broadly,
- brusquely,
- candidly,
- completely,
- comprehensively,
- directly,
- entirely,
- exhaustively,
- for practical purposes,
- frankly,
- fully,
- generally,
- generally speaking,
- genuinely,
- globally,
- hundred per cent,
- in all conscience,
- in all seriousness,
- in full,
- in full measure,
- in plain English,
- in plain words,
- in round numbers,
- inclusively,
- inside out,
- integrally,
- just about,
- largely,
- more or less,
- most,
- one and all,
- openheartedly,
- openly,
- outright,
- outspokenly,
- perfectly,
- plain-spokenly,
- plainly,
- practically,
- quite,
- roughly,
- roughly speaking,
- say,
- sincerely,
- straightforwardly,
- thoroughly,
- to the hilt,
- totally,
- tout a fait,
- unconditionally,
- unconstrainedly,
- unreservedly,
- unrestrainedly,
- utterly,
- well-nigh,
- wholly,
- with no nonsense