Exact Match:
- ruff
- (card games) the act of taking a trick with a trump when unable to follow suit
- common Eurasian sandpiper; the male has an erectile neck ruff in breeding season
- ace,
- barrage,
- beat,
- beating,
- best bower,
- bower,
- cards,
- clubs,
- crease,
- crimp,
- crisp,
- deck,
- deuce,
- diamonds,
- dog-ear,
- double,
- double over,
- drum,
- drum music,
- drumbeat,
- drumfire,
- drumming,
- dummy,
- enfold,
- face cards,
- flounce,
- flush,
- flute,
- flutter,
- fold,
- fold over,
- frill,
- full house,
- gather,
- hand,
- hearts,
- infold,
- interfold,
- jack,
- joker,
- king,
- knave,
- lap over,
- left bower,
- pack,
- pair,
- palpitation,
- paradiddle,
- patter,
- picture cards,
- pitapat,
- pitter-patter,
- plait,
- plat,
- playing cards,
- pleat,
- plicate,
- ply,
- pound,
- pounding,
- pulsation,
- queen,
- quill,
- rat-a-tat,
- rat-tat,
- rat-tat-tat,
- rataplan,
- rattattoo,
- roll,
- round,
- royal flush,
- rub-a-dub,
- rubber,
- ruffle,
- singleton,
- spades,
- spatter,
- splutter,
- sputter,
- staccato,
- straight,
- tat-tat,
- tattoo,
- throb,
- throbbing,
- thrum,
- thumping,
- tom-tom,
- trey,
- trick,
- trump,
- tuck,
- turn over,
- twill