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Wordage.info / screen

Exact Match:

protective covering consisting of a metallic netting mounted in a frame and covering windows or doors (especially for protection against insects)
a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "they crouched behind the screen"; "under cover of darkness"
partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space
display on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube on which is electronically created
a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing
examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight"
project onto a screen for viewing; "screen a film"
examine in order to test suitability; "screen these samples"; "screen the job applicants"
test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus"

