Exact Match:
- segment
- one of the parts into which something naturally divides; "a segment of an orange"
- divide or split up; "The cells segmented"
- divide into segments; "segment an orange"; "segment a compound word"
- adjunct,
- affiliation,
- air line,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- analyze,
- anatomize,
- apportion,
- assay,
- axis,
- beeline,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- bit,
- bite,
- body,
- branch,
- break down,
- break up,
- budget,
- categorize,
- chord,
- chunk,
- church,
- cleave,
- commission,
- communion,
- community,
- component,
- contingent,
- cross section,
- cut,
- cut up,
- deal,
- denomination,
- destiny,
- detachment,
- detail,
- diagonal,
- diameter,
- direct line,
- directrix,
- dissect,
- district,
- divide,
- divide up,
- dividend,
- division,
- divvy,
- divvy up,
- dole,
- edge,
- element,
- end,
- equal share,
- faction,
- fate,
- fellowship,
- fraction,
- fragment,
- great-circle course,
- group,
- half,
- halver,
- helping,
- installment,
- interest,
- isolate,
- item,
- joint,
- length,
- lot,
- measure,
- meed,
- member,
- mess,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- normal,
- offshoot,
- order,
- organization,
- parcel,
- parcel out,
- part,
- particular,
- partition,
- party,
- percentage,
- perpendicular,
- persuasion,
- piece,
- portion,
- proportion,
- quadrant,
- quantum,
- quarter,
- quota,
- radius,
- radius vector,
- rake-off,
- random sample,
- ration,
- reduce,
- reduce to elements,
- religious order,
- remainder,
- resolve,
- right line,
- sample,
- sampling,
- schism,
- school,
- secant,
- seclude,
- sect,
- sectarism,
- section,
- sector,
- separate,
- set off,
- share,
- shortcut,
- side,
- slice,
- small share,
- society,
- split,
- split up,
- stake,
- stock,
- straight,
- straight course,
- straight line,
- straight stretch,
- straightaway,
- streamline,
- subdivide,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- subspecies,
- tangent,
- transversal,
- variety,
- vector,
- version,
- wedge,
- zone