Exact Match:
- slip
- the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)
- a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc.
- a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air
- a small sheet of paper; "a receipt slip"
- an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall; "he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills"
- a young and slender person; "he's a mere slip of a lad"
- potter's clay that is thinned and used for coating or decorating ceramics
- insert inconspicuously or quickly or quietly; "He slipped some money into the waiter's hand"
- get worse; "My grades are slipping"
- pass out of one's memory
- move smoothly and easily
- pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"
- Mystik tape,
- Scotch tape,
- accord,
- adhesive tape,
- administer,
- adolescent,
- advance,
- afford,
- afghan,
- allot,
- allow,
- amplitude,
- anchor,
- anchorage,
- anchorage ground,
- atrocity,
- avalanche,
- avoidance,
- avoiding reaction,
- award,
- babe,
- baby,
- backslide,
- bad job,
- balk,
- band,
- bandage,
- bantam,
- banty,
- basin,
- batten,
- be all thumbs,
- bed linen,
- bedclothes,
- bedcover,
- bedding,
- bedsheet,
- bedspread,
- belt,
- berth,
- bestow,
- bestow on,
- bevue,
- bine,
- blab,
- blanket,
- bloomer,
- blooper,
- blue,
- blueprint,
- blunder,
- blunder away,
- blunder into,
- blunder on,
- blunder upon,
- blurt out,
- bobble,
- boggle,
- bonehead play,
- boner,
- boo-boo,
- boob,
- botch,
- bough,
- branch,
- branchedness,
- branchiness,
- breach,
- break away,
- breakout,
- breakwater,
- broad,
- buck-passing,
- buffalo robe,
- bulkhead,
- bull,
- bulletin board,
- bumble,
- bungle,
- burgeon,
- butcher,
- button,
- camber,
- card,
- case,
- catalog card,
- cellophane tape,
- chick,
- china clay,
- china stone,
- chit,
- circumvention,
- clay,
- cloth tape,
- clothes,
- clumsy performance,
- coast,
- cold-type proof,
- colleen,
- color proof,
- come down,
- come out with,
- comfort,
- comforter,
- commit a gaffe,
- communicate,
- computer proof,
- confer,
- continue,
- contour sheet,
- counterpane,
- cover,
- coverlet,
- coverlid,
- crash,
- creep,
- crime,
- crime against humanity,
- cutie,
- cutting,
- dame,
- damoiselle,
- damsel,
- deadly sin,
- deadwood,
- deal,
- deal out,
- decline,
- defense mechanism,
- degenerate,
- delinquency,
- demoiselle,
- dereliction,
- deteriorate,
- deviate,
- die,
- diminutive,
- dip,
- disappear,
- disc,
- disclose,
- dish out,
- dispense,
- divulge,
- dock,
- dockage,
- dockyard,
- document,
- dodge,
- dole,
- dole out,
- doll,
- donate,
- downslide,
- downswing,
- downtrend,
- downturn,
- drift,
- drop,
- drop off,
- dry dock,
- duck,
- ebb,
- eiderdown,
- elapse,
- elusion,
- elusiveness,
- embankment,
- endure,
- enormity,
- enter,
- equivocation,
- erode,
- err,
- error,
- escape,
- etourderie,
- evasion,
- evasive action,
- evasiveness,
- evil,
- expire,
- expose,
- extend,
- exuviate,
- fade,
- fail,
- failure,
- fall,
- fall away,
- fall into error,
- fall off,
- falloff,
- false move,
- false step,
- fascia,
- fault,
- faux pas,
- featherweight,
- felony,
- file,
- filing card,
- fillet,
- filly,
- film,
- fingerling,
- fireclay,
- fitted sheet,
- flagellum,
- fledgling,
- flight,
- flight path,
- flit,
- float,
- flounder,
- flow,
- flow on,
- flub,
- fluff,
- flux,
- fly,
- foiling,
- foot,
- foozle,
- forbearance,
- forestalling,
- forestallment,
- fork,
- fork out,
- founder,
- foundry proof,
- frail,
- friction tape,
- frond,
- frustration,
- fumble,
- gal,
- galley,
- galley proof,
- gaucherie,
- genocide,
- get away,
- get in,
- getaway,
- getting around,
- getting round,
- ghost,
- gift,
- gift with,
- girdle,
- girl,
- girlie,
- give,
- give freely,
- give out,
- glaze,
- glide,
- glissade,
- glissando,
- go amiss,
- go astray,
- go awry,
- go by,
- go down,
- go downhill,
- go off,
- go on,
- go to pot,
- go under,
- go wrong,
- goof,
- grant,
- groin,
- gruel,
- guilty act,
- gumbo,
- gumshoe,
- hand out,
- harbor,
- harborage,
- hash,
- have a comedown,
- haven,
- heap,
- heavy sin,
- heifer,
- help to,
- hit a slump,
- hit rock bottom,
- hit the skids,
- hook,
- hopeful,
- hoyden,
- ice-skate,
- impart,
- impropriety,
- inadvertence,
- inadvertency,
- index card,
- indiscretion,
- inexpiable sin,
- infant,
- iniquity,
- injury,
- injustice,
- issue,
- jetty,
- jeune fille,
- jill,
- jink,
- junior,
- junior miss,
- jutty,
- juvenal,
- juvenile,
- kaolin,
- lam,
- landing,
- landing place,
- landing stage,
- landslide,
- landslip,
- lap robe,
- lapse,
- lapsus calami,
- lapsus linguae,
- lass,
- lassie,
- last,
- lath,
- lavish,
- leak,
- leave,
- let have,
- let out,
- let slip,
- levee,
- library catalog,
- lightweight,
- ligula,
- ligule,
- limb,
- linen,
- list,
- little missy,
- loose thread,
- lose,
- lumber,
- lurk,
- mademoiselle,
- magnetic tape,
- maid,
- maiden,
- make a mistake,
- malefaction,
- malfeasance,
- malum,
- mar,
- marina,
- masking tape,
- mere shadow,
- mess,
- mete,
- mete out,
- microcard,
- microdot,
- microfiche,
- microfilm,
- mini,
- minikin,
- minnow,
- minny,
- minor,
- minor wrong,
- mire,
- miscalculate,
- miscue,
- misdeed,
- misdemeanor,
- misfeasance,
- miss,
- miss the mark,
- misstep,
- missy,
- mistake,
- mole,
- molt,
- mooring,
- mooring buoy,
- moorings,
- mortal sin,
- motion-picture film,
- mouse,
- muck,
- mud,
- muddle,
- mudhook,
- muff,
- murder,
- near-miss,
- neutrality,
- nonfeasance,
- nonintervention,
- noninvolvement,
- nose-dive,
- note,
- nubbin,
- nymphet,
- off day,
- offense,
- offer,
- offshoot,
- omission,
- ooze,
- outguessing,
- outmaneuvering,
- outrage,
- outwitting,
- oversight,
- page proof,
- paper,
- pass,
- pass by,
- passing the buck,
- patchwork quilt,
- peccadillo,
- peccancy,
- peewee,
- permission,
- permit,
- petuntse,
- phonograph record,
- piece,
- pier,
- pillow slip,
- pillowcase,
- plank,
- plastic tape,
- plate proof,
- platter,
- play havoc with,
- plow the deep,
- plummet,
- pony,
- porcelain clay,
- port,
- pour,
- present,
- press on,
- press proof,
- prevention,
- proceed,
- proffer,
- progressive proof,
- proof,
- proof sheet,
- protected anchorage,
- pubescent,
- pull,
- pussyfoot,
- put in,
- quay,
- quilt,
- rail,
- rain,
- rake,
- ramage,
- ramification,
- reach the depths,
- refractory clay,
- refraining,
- render,
- repro proof,
- reveal,
- revise,
- ribband,
- ribbon,
- ride,
- ride the sea,
- road,
- roads,
- roadstead,
- robe,
- roll on,
- roller-skate,
- romp,
- rug,
- run,
- run down,
- run its course,
- run on,
- run out,
- runner,
- runt,
- sad work,
- sag,
- sail,
- sapling,
- sarment,
- scape,
- schoolgirl,
- schoolmaid,
- schoolmiss,
- scion,
- scoreboard,
- scorecard,
- scoresheet,
- scrap,
- screw up,
- scud,
- seaport,
- seawall,
- seedling,
- serve,
- set,
- shadow,
- shaving,
- sheet,
- sheeting,
- shell out,
- shipyard,
- shirk,
- shoot,
- shower,
- shred,
- shrimp,
- shunning,
- shunting off,
- shy,
- sideslip,
- sidestep,
- sidetracking,
- sin,
- sin of commission,
- sin of omission,
- sinful act,
- sink,
- skate,
- skateboard,
- skeleton,
- ski,
- skid,
- skim,
- skin effect,
- skin friction,
- skirt,
- skulk,
- slat,
- sled,
- sleigh,
- slick,
- slidder,
- slide,
- slide down,
- slime,
- slink,
- slip in,
- slip up,
- slippage,
- slipup,
- slither,
- sliver,
- slob,
- slop,
- slosh,
- slough,
- sludge,
- slump,
- slur,
- slush,
- small fry,
- snake,
- sneak in,
- snip,
- snippet,
- snow,
- snowslide,
- snowslip,
- soften,
- soup,
- spear,
- spill,
- spline,
- splinter,
- spoil,
- spray,
- spread,
- sprig,
- sprit,
- sprout,
- squash,
- stagger,
- steal,
- stolon,
- stone proof,
- strake,
- strap,
- stray,
- streak,
- strip,
- stripling,
- strop,
- stumble,
- subdeb,
- subdebutante,
- subside,
- subsidence,
- subteen,
- subteener,
- sucker,
- sweep,
- swill,
- switch,
- taenia,
- tape,
- tape measure,
- tapeline,
- teenager,
- teener,
- teenybopper,
- tender,
- tendril,
- thallus,
- the runaround,
- the slip,
- throw off,
- thwarting,
- ticker tape,
- tit,
- toboggan,
- tomato,
- tomboy,
- topple,
- tort,
- touch bottom,
- transgression,
- trespass,
- trial impression,
- trip,
- tumble,
- twig,
- unutterable sin,
- vandyke,
- vanish,
- vein,
- venial sin,
- videotape,
- virgin,
- walk the waters,
- wander,
- wane,
- wart,
- wench,
- wharf,
- wisp,
- wrong,
- wrong step,
- yield,
- young creature,
- young hopeful,
- young person,
- young thing,
- younger,
- youngest,
- youngling,
- youngster,
- youth,
- zigzag