Exact Match:
- source
- a facility where something is available
- anything that provides inspiration for later work
- a document (or organization) from which information is obtained; "the reporter had two sources for the story"
- (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system; "a heat source"; "a source of carbon dioxide"
- specify the origin of; "The writer carefully sourced her report"
- get (a product) from another country or business; "She sourced a supply of carpet"; "They are sourcing from smaller companies"
- adviser,
- ambition,
- announcer,
- annunciator,
- antecedent,
- aspiration,
- author,
- authority,
- authorship,
- basis,
- begetter,
- beginning,
- birthplace,
- bonanza,
- calling,
- cause,
- channel,
- commencement,
- communicant,
- communicator,
- conception,
- consideration,
- cornucopia,
- creator,
- dawn,
- dawning,
- derivation,
- determinant,
- documentation,
- enlightener,
- expert witness,
- font,
- fount,
- fountain,
- fountainhead,
- genesis,
- goal,
- gold mine,
- gossipmonger,
- grapevine,
- grass roots,
- ground,
- guiding light,
- guiding star,
- head,
- headstream,
- headwater,
- headwaters,
- ideal,
- inception,
- informant,
- information center,
- information medium,
- informer,
- inspiration,
- intention,
- interviewee,
- lode,
- lodestar,
- mainspring,
- matter,
- mine,
- monitor,
- mother,
- motive,
- mouthpiece,
- newsmonger,
- notifier,
- onset,
- opening,
- origin,
- original,
- origination,
- originator,
- outset,
- parent,
- paternity,
- press,
- principle,
- provenance,
- provenience,
- public relations officer,
- publisher,
- quarry,
- radical,
- radio,
- radix,
- reason,
- reporter,
- resource,
- rise,
- rising,
- riverhead,
- root,
- roots,
- rootstock,
- sake,
- score,
- source of supply,
- spokesman,
- spring,
- staple,
- start,
- starting,
- stem,
- stock,
- taproot,
- television,
- teller,
- tipster,
- tout,
- ulterior motive,
- vein,
- vocation,
- well,
- wellhead,
- wellspring,
- whence,
- witness