Exact Match:
- spark
- a small fragment of a burning substance thrown out by burning material or by friction
- Scottish writer of satirical novels (born in 1918)
- a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger; "a spark of interest"; "a spark of decency"
- emit or produce sparks; "A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark"
- AC arc,
- Beau Brummel,
- Poulsen arc,
- abettor,
- activate,
- actuate,
- actuator,
- address,
- animate,
- animator,
- aperiodic discharge,
- arc,
- arc column,
- arc discharge,
- atom,
- bake,
- be in heat,
- beau,
- begin,
- blade,
- blaze,
- blink,
- blinking,
- blood,
- bloom,
- boil,
- boulevardier,
- bring about,
- broil,
- brush discharge,
- bud,
- burn,
- cajoler,
- cast,
- chase,
- choke,
- clotheshorse,
- coax,
- coaxer,
- combust,
- compel,
- cook,
- coruscate,
- coruscation,
- court,
- coxcomb,
- dandy,
- dash,
- discharge,
- disruptive discharge,
- dude,
- electric discharge,
- electric shock,
- electric spark,
- electrify,
- electrodeless discharge,
- embryo,
- encourager,
- energize,
- energizer,
- enkindle,
- esquire,
- excite,
- exquisite,
- fashion plate,
- fine gentleman,
- fire,
- firefly,
- firer,
- flame,
- flame up,
- flare,
- flare up,
- flicker,
- flush,
- follow,
- fop,
- force,
- foster,
- fribble,
- fry,
- gadfly,
- gallant,
- galvanic shock,
- galvanize,
- galvanizer,
- gasp,
- germ,
- gleam,
- glimmer,
- glimmering,
- glint,
- glisk,
- glisten,
- glister,
- glitter,
- glittering,
- glow,
- glow discharge,
- glowworm,
- hint,
- idea,
- ignite,
- impel,
- impeller,
- incandesce,
- inducer,
- initiate,
- inspire,
- inspirer,
- inspirit,
- intimation,
- iota,
- jack-a-dandy,
- jackanapes,
- kindle,
- lady-killer,
- lay siege to,
- lick,
- light the fuse,
- look,
- macaroni,
- make suit to,
- make up to,
- man-about-town,
- masher,
- motivate,
- move,
- move to action,
- mover,
- moving spirit,
- nucleus,
- oscillatory discharge,
- pant,
- parch,
- pay attention to,
- pay court to,
- persuader,
- pleader,
- precipitate,
- prime mover,
- promote,
- prompter,
- propel,
- provoke,
- puppy,
- pursue,
- radiate heat,
- roast,
- scald,
- scintilla,
- scintillate,
- scintillation,
- scorch,
- seethe,
- serenade,
- set in motion,
- set off,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shimmer,
- shimmer with heat,
- shimmering,
- shock,
- silent discharge,
- simmer,
- sip,
- smack,
- smattering,
- smell,
- smolder,
- smother,
- soupcon,
- spangle,
- spark gap,
- spark plug,
- sparker,
- sparkle,
- speck,
- sport,
- sprinkling,
- squire,
- start up,
- steam,
- stew,
- stifle,
- stimulate,
- stimulator,
- stroboscopic light,
- sue,
- suffocate,
- suggestion,
- sup,
- suspicion,
- swain,
- sweat,
- sweetheart,
- swell,
- swelter,
- taste,
- tempter,
- thought,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tinsel,
- toast,
- touch,
- touch off,
- trace,
- trigger,
- twinkle,
- twinkling,
- vestige,
- wheedler,
- whit,
- woo,
- wooer