Exact Match:
- stiff
- an ordinary man; "a lucky stiff"; "a working stiff"
- not moving or operating freely; "a stiff hinge"
- powerful; "a stiff current"; "a stiff breeze"
- extremely; "bored stiff"; "frightened stiff"
- Arab,
- Bowery bum,
- Latinate,
- a bit much,
- abandoned,
- abusive,
- adamant,
- adamantine,
- afflictive,
- alcoholic,
- all thumbs,
- aloof,
- arduous,
- arid,
- artificial,
- ashes,
- austere,
- awkward,
- balker,
- balky horse,
- barren,
- beach bum,
- beachcomber,
- beggar,
- beggarly fellow,
- blah,
- blank,
- blighter,
- blind,
- blind drunk,
- bloodless,
- blotto,
- blue-collar worker,
- blunderheaded,
- blundering,
- bo,
- body,
- bold,
- bombastic,
- bones,
- boorish,
- boundless,
- breadwinner,
- brisk,
- brittle,
- buckram,
- budmash,
- bum,
- bumbling,
- bummer,
- bungling,
- butterfingered,
- cadaver,
- caitiff,
- carcass,
- careless,
- carrion,
- cartilaginous,
- cast-iron,
- casual,
- casual laborer,
- ceremonious,
- challenging,
- characterless,
- cheapskate,
- chewy,
- chilly,
- clay,
- clownish,
- clumsy,
- clumsy-fisted,
- cohesive,
- cold,
- colorless,
- common laborer,
- compact,
- cool,
- coriaceous,
- corpse,
- corpus delicti,
- costly,
- cramped,
- crock,
- crowbait,
- cruel,
- cumbersome,
- cumbrous,
- day laborer,
- dead,
- dead as mutton,
- dead body,
- dead man,
- dead person,
- dear,
- dear-bought,
- decedent,
- dense,
- derelict,
- determined,
- devil,
- difficult,
- dismal,
- distressing,
- dog,
- dogged,
- dogie,
- dour,
- draggy,
- drastic,
- drearisome,
- dreary,
- drifter,
- drunkard,
- dry,
- dry bones,
- dryasdust,
- dull,
- durable,
- dust,
- dusty,
- earth,
- effete,
- egregious,
- elephantine,
- embalmed corpse,
- employee,
- empty,
- energetic,
- enormous,
- etiolated,
- exaggerated,
- excessive,
- excruciating,
- exhausting,
- exorbitant,
- expensive,
- extravagant,
- extreme,
- fabulous,
- factory worker,
- fade,
- fancy,
- fatiguing,
- fibrous,
- fingers all thumbs,
- firm,
- fit for sea,
- flat,
- flinty,
- flunky,
- food for worms,
- forced,
- forceful,
- formal,
- free lance,
- free-lancer,
- fresh,
- full-time worker,
- fumbling,
- fundamentalist,
- gamin,
- gamine,
- garron,
- gauche,
- gawkish,
- gawky,
- gigantic,
- gluttonous,
- goat,
- gone to seed,
- good-for-naught,
- good-for-nothing,
- graceless,
- grim,
- gristly,
- guinde,
- gusty,
- guttersnipe,
- hack,
- had,
- halting,
- ham-fisted,
- ham-handed,
- hand,
- hard,
- hard-core,
- hardened,
- hardy,
- harrowing,
- harsh,
- haughty,
- heavy,
- heavy-handed,
- helpless,
- hidebound,
- high,
- high-priced,
- ho-hum,
- hobo,
- hollow,
- homeless waif,
- howling,
- hulking,
- hulky,
- human wreck,
- hurtful,
- hyperbolic,
- hypertrophied,
- idler,
- immoderate,
- immovable,
- immutable,
- implacable,
- impliable,
- in buckram,
- inane,
- incontinent,
- indomitable,
- industrial worker,
- inelastic,
- inelegant,
- inexcitable,
- inexorable,
- inflexible,
- inkhorn,
- inordinate,
- insipid,
- intemperate,
- intense,
- intransigent,
- iron,
- ironbound,
- ironclad,
- ironhanded,
- irreconcilable,
- jade,
- jejune,
- jobber,
- jobholder,
- jughead,
- labored,
- laborer,
- laboring man,
- laborious,
- landloper,
- lasting,
- late lamented,
- lazzarone,
- leaden,
- leatherlike,
- leathery,
- left-hand,
- left-handed,
- lifeless,
- loafer,
- losel,
- loutish,
- low-spirited,
- lowlife,
- lubberly,
- lumbering,
- lumpish,
- luxurious,
- maladroit,
- mannered,
- mauvais sujet,
- mean wretch,
- menial,
- merciless,
- migrant,
- miser,
- moiler,
- monstrous,
- mortal remains,
- mucker,
- mudlark,
- mummification,
- mummy,
- muscle-bound,
- nag,
- navvy,
- no-good,
- not affordable,
- oafish,
- obdurate,
- obstinate,
- of great cost,
- office temporary,
- on the downgrade,
- organic remains,
- orthodox,
- out,
- out cold,
- out of bounds,
- out of condition,
- out of shape,
- out of sight,
- out of training,
- outrageous,
- overbig,
- overcome,
- overdeveloped,
- overgreat,
- overgrown,
- overlarge,
- overmuch,
- overpowering,
- overweening,
- overwhelming,
- painful,
- pale,
- pallid,
- paralyzed,
- passed out,
- pauvre diable,
- pedantic,
- pedestrian,
- petrified,
- piker,
- pilgarlic,
- plodding,
- plug,
- pointless,
- pokerlike,
- poky,
- pompous,
- ponderous,
- poor creature,
- poor devil,
- potent,
- powerful,
- premium,
- pricey,
- prim,
- procrustean,
- proletarian,
- punishing,
- punitive,
- purist,
- puristic,
- puritan,
- puritanic,
- ragamuffin,
- ragman,
- ragpicker,
- ramrodlike,
- relentless,
- relics,
- reliquiae,
- remains,
- renitent,
- reserved,
- resistant,
- resolute,
- resolved,
- rich,
- rigid,
- rigorist,
- rigoristic,
- rigorous,
- roarer,
- rock-ribbed,
- rockbound,
- rodlike,
- rogue,
- ropy,
- rosinante,
- rough,
- rounder,
- roustabout,
- run to seed,
- rusty,
- sad case,
- sad sack,
- salaried worker,
- scalawag,
- sea-kindly,
- seaworthy,
- self-employed person,
- servant,
- sesquipedalian,
- severe,
- sinewy,
- skeleton,
- ski bum,
- skid-row bum,
- skinflint,
- slipping,
- sloppy,
- slow,
- snobbish,
- snooty,
- snug,
- soft,
- solemn,
- solid,
- solidified,
- spanking,
- spiritless,
- standoffish,
- starch,
- starched,
- starchy,
- stark,
- staunch,
- steady,
- steely,
- steep,
- sterile,
- stern,
- stiff as buckram,
- stiffened,
- stilted,
- stodgy,
- stone-cold,
- stone-dead,
- stoned,
- straightlaced,
- straitlaced,
- stray,
- street Arab,
- street urchin,
- stringy,
- strong,
- stubborn,
- stuffy,
- sumptuous,
- sundowner,
- superficial,
- surf bum,
- swagman,
- swagsman,
- tasteless,
- tatterdemalion,
- taut,
- tedious,
- temporary,
- tenacious,
- tender,
- tenement of clay,
- tennis bum,
- tense,
- the dead,
- the deceased,
- the defunct,
- the departed,
- the loved one,
- thick,
- tight,
- tightwad,
- tiring,
- toiler,
- toilsome,
- too much,
- top,
- tormenting,
- torturous,
- tough,
- tough as leather,
- tramp,
- truant,
- turgid,
- turnpiker,
- unaffected,
- unalterable,
- unbearable,
- unbending,
- unbridled,
- unchangeable,
- uncompromising,
- unconscionable,
- uncouth,
- under the table,
- undue,
- unflexible,
- unfriendly,
- ungainly,
- ungiving,
- ungraceful,
- unhandy,
- unlively,
- unmoved,
- unpayable,
- unreasonable,
- unrelaxed,
- unrelenting,
- unrestrained,
- untiring,
- unwieldy,
- unyielding,
- uphill,
- uptight,
- urchin,
- vag,
- vagabond,
- vagrant,
- vapid,
- vaurien,
- vigorous,
- virgate,
- viscid,
- wage earner,
- wage slave,
- wageworker,
- waif,
- waifs and strays,
- wastrel,
- waterproof,
- watertight,
- weatherly,
- whistler,
- wiry,
- wooden,
- worker,
- workgirl,
- workhand,
- working girl,
- workingman,
- workingwoman,
- workman,
- worthless fellow,
- wretch