Exact Match:
- stimulate
- cause to be alert and energetic; "Coffee and tea stimulate me"; "This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate"
- act as a stimulant; "The book stimulated her imagination"; "This play stimulates"
- stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of; "These stories shook the community"; "the civil war shook the country"
- stir feelings in; "stimulate my appetite"; "excite the audience"; "stir emotions"
- activate,
- actuate,
- affect the interest,
- animate,
- animating,
- arouse,
- attract,
- awaken,
- brace,
- brace up,
- bracing,
- bring forth,
- bring out,
- bring to light,
- brisk,
- brisken,
- buck up,
- call forth,
- call out,
- call up,
- cheer,
- chirk up,
- compel,
- concern,
- cultivate,
- deduce,
- derive,
- drag out,
- draw forth,
- draw out,
- dynamize,
- educe,
- electrify,
- elicit,
- encourage,
- energize,
- enliven,
- enlivening,
- evoke,
- excite,
- excite interest,
- exhilarate,
- exhilarating,
- exhilarative,
- fascinate,
- fillip,
- fire,
- force,
- fortify,
- foster,
- fresh up,
- freshen,
- freshen up,
- fuel,
- galvanize,
- get from,
- get out of,
- goad,
- hearten,
- impel,
- incite,
- increase,
- induce,
- inflame,
- infuse life into,
- inspire,
- inspiring,
- inspirit,
- interest,
- intoxicating,
- invigorate,
- invite,
- involve in,
- jazz up,
- jolt,
- kindle,
- lively,
- liven,
- make sensitive,
- motivate,
- move,
- move to action,
- nourish,
- obtain,
- pep up,
- perk up,
- pick up,
- pique,
- procure,
- promote,
- prompt,
- propel,
- provocative,
- provoke,
- quicken,
- quickening,
- reanimate,
- recreate,
- refine,
- refresh,
- refreshen,
- regale,
- reinvigorate,
- renew,
- resuscitate,
- revive,
- revivify,
- rouse,
- rousing,
- secure,
- seminal,
- sensibilize,
- sensitize,
- set in motion,
- set up,
- sharpen,
- snap up,
- spark,
- spirit up,
- spur,
- stimulating,
- stimulative,
- stir,
- stir up,
- stirring,
- suggestive,
- summon forth,
- summon up,
- tantalize,
- tickle,
- titillate,
- tonic,
- vitalize,
- vitalizing,
- vivify,
- wake up,
- waken,
- wangle,
- wangle out of,
- warm,
- whet,
- whip up,
- winkle out,
- worm out,
- worm out of,
- zip up