Exact Match:
- survey
- a detailed critical inspection
- consider in a comprehensive way; "He appraised the situation carefully before acting"
- plot a map of (land)
- make a survey of; for statistical purposes
- look over in a comprehensively, inspect; "He surveyed his new classmates"
- abbreviation,
- abbreviature,
- abrege,
- abridgment,
- abstract,
- analysis,
- appraisal,
- appraise,
- appraisement,
- appreciate,
- approximation,
- article,
- assay,
- assemblage,
- assembly,
- assess,
- assessment,
- assize,
- assizement,
- audit,
- autopsy,
- boss,
- brief,
- calculate,
- calculation,
- calibrate,
- caliper,
- call-up,
- canvass,
- capsule,
- causerie,
- census,
- chaperon,
- check,
- check a parameter,
- check out,
- check over,
- check up,
- check up on,
- collection,
- colligation,
- collocation,
- combination,
- command,
- comment upon,
- comparison,
- compend,
- computation,
- compute,
- con,
- concourse,
- concurrence,
- condensation,
- condensed version,
- conduct a poll,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- congregation,
- conspectus,
- consumer research,
- consumer-preference survey,
- contemplate,
- contemplation,
- convergence,
- corralling,
- correction,
- criticize,
- data-gathering,
- deal with,
- descant,
- determination,
- dial,
- digest,
- discourse,
- discuss,
- discussion,
- disquisition,
- dissert,
- dissertate,
- dissertation,
- divide,
- domination,
- draft,
- enquiry,
- epitome,
- essay,
- estimate,
- estimation,
- etude,
- evaluate,
- evaluation,
- examination,
- examine,
- excursus,
- exposition,
- eye,
- eyeball inspection,
- eyereach,
- eyeshot,
- eyesight,
- fathom,
- feature,
- field of view,
- field of vision,
- first approach,
- gathering,
- gauge,
- gauging,
- give an examination,
- give the eye,
- give the once-over,
- go into,
- go over,
- graduate,
- handle,
- hard look,
- head,
- homily,
- horizon,
- ingathering,
- inquire into,
- inquiry,
- inspect,
- inspection,
- instrumentation,
- introductory study,
- inventory,
- investigate,
- investigation,
- junction,
- juxtaposition,
- ken,
- leer,
- leer at,
- limit of vision,
- line of sight,
- look at,
- look into,
- look over,
- lucubration,
- make a survey,
- measure,
- measurement,
- measuring,
- memoir,
- mensurate,
- mensuration,
- mete,
- meter,
- metric system,
- mobilization,
- monitor,
- monograph,
- morceau,
- muster,
- naked eye,
- note,
- observe,
- ocular inspection,
- ogle,
- ogle at,
- opinion poll,
- outline,
- outlook,
- outlook over,
- overhaul,
- overhauling,
- overlook,
- oversee,
- overview,
- pace,
- pandect,
- paper,
- paragraph,
- pass over,
- pass under review,
- peer at,
- perlustration,
- perspective,
- perusal,
- peruse,
- piece,
- plumb,
- poll,
- pore,
- pore over,
- postmortem,
- precis,
- preliminary study,
- prize,
- probe,
- prolegomenon,
- prospect,
- public-opinion poll,
- quality control,
- quantification,
- quantify,
- quantization,
- quantize,
- quarterback,
- questionary,
- questionnaire,
- range,
- rate,
- rating,
- remark upon,
- research paper,
- review,
- rodeo,
- roundup,
- rubric,
- run over,
- run-through,
- sample,
- scan,
- scanning,
- scope,
- scope of vision,
- screed,
- scrutinize,
- scrutiny,
- set an examination,
- set at,
- shortened version,
- sight,
- sightliness,
- size,
- size up,
- skeleton,
- sketch,
- sound,
- span,
- special article,
- step,
- study,
- superintend,
- surveying,
- syllabus,
- synopsis,
- take a long,
- take a reading,
- take stock of,
- take the measure,
- take up,
- telemetering,
- telemetry,
- term paper,
- the eye,
- theme,
- thesis,
- thumbnail sketch,
- topical outline,
- touch upon,
- tract,
- tractate,
- treat,
- treat of,
- treatise,
- treatment,
- triangulate,
- triangulation,
- valuate,
- valuation,
- value,
- vet,
- vetting,
- view,
- visitation,
- vista,
- visual examination,
- weigh,
- write up