Exact Match:
- sustenance
- the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence; "they were in want of sustenance"; "fishing was their main sustainment"
- TLC,
- aid,
- aliment,
- alimentation,
- alimony,
- backing,
- board,
- bread,
- bread and butter,
- care,
- carriage,
- carrying,
- cheer,
- chow,
- comestibles,
- continualness,
- continuance,
- continuation,
- continuity,
- creature comfort,
- cuisine,
- daily bread,
- eatables,
- eats,
- economic support,
- edibles,
- endowment,
- endurance,
- extension,
- fare,
- fast food,
- feast,
- food,
- food and drink,
- foodstuff,
- foodstuffs,
- groceries,
- grub,
- health food,
- ingesta,
- junk food,
- keep,
- kitchen stuff,
- lengthening,
- livelihood,
- living,
- maintenance,
- manna,
- meat,
- moral support,
- mothering,
- nosh,
- nourishment,
- nurture,
- nutriment,
- pabulum,
- pap,
- perpetuation,
- perseverance,
- persistence,
- price support,
- progress,
- progression,
- prolongation,
- protraction,
- provender,
- provision,
- provisions,
- psychological support,
- pursuance,
- rations,
- refection,
- refreshment,
- reliance,
- repetition,
- run,
- salt,
- scoff,
- security blanket,
- spread,
- staying power,
- straight course,
- subsidization,
- subsidy,
- subsistence,
- subvention,
- support,
- supportive relationship,
- supportive therapy,
- sustained action,
- sustaining,
- sustainment,
- sustentation,
- table,
- tender loving care,
- tucker,
- uninterrupted course,
- unremittingness,
- upholding,
- upkeep,
- viands,
- victuals,
- vittles,
- way