Exact Match:
- sweep
- a movement in an arc; "a sweep of his arm"
- a long oar used in an open boat
- a wide scope; "the sweep of the plains"
- win an overwhelming victory in or on; "Her new show dog swept all championships"
- sweep with a broom or as if with a broom; "Sweep the crumbs off the table"; "Sweep under the bed"
- clean by sweeping; "Please sweep the floor"
- move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions; "The diva swept into the room"; "Shreds of paper sailed through the air"; "The searchlights swept across the sky"
- cover the entire range of
- Derby,
- Kentucky Derby,
- Preakness Stakes,
- S-curve,
- aberrancy,
- aberration,
- advance,
- airscape,
- ambit,
- arc,
- arch,
- ball the jack,
- barrel,
- be effortless,
- be painless,
- bend,
- bend back,
- bending,
- bias,
- bingo,
- boom,
- bow,
- bowing,
- bowl,
- bowl along,
- branching off,
- breeze,
- breeze along,
- broom,
- brush,
- brush by,
- brush off,
- bunt,
- butt,
- carry,
- cascade,
- cataract,
- chase,
- chimney sweep,
- circle,
- circuitousness,
- cityscape,
- class lottery,
- clean,
- cleanser,
- clear,
- clear sight,
- clearance,
- clip,
- cloudscape,
- coast,
- coasting,
- color vision,
- compass,
- cone vision,
- conflexure,
- corner,
- course,
- cover,
- crook,
- crossing sweeper,
- curl,
- curvature,
- curve,
- cut along,
- dash,
- day vision,
- daylight vision,
- declination,
- decurve,
- deflect,
- deflection,
- deluge,
- demolish,
- departure,
- depredate,
- despoil,
- destroy,
- detour,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviation,
- deviousness,
- diapason,
- digression,
- discernment,
- discursion,
- divagation,
- divarication,
- divergence,
- diversion,
- do,
- dogleg,
- dome,
- double,
- draft lottery,
- drawing,
- drift,
- drifting,
- drive,
- embow,
- encompass,
- engulf,
- environ,
- errantry,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- exorbitation,
- extend,
- extension,
- extent,
- eye,
- eye-mindedness,
- eyesight,
- farsight,
- farsightedness,
- field of view,
- field of vision,
- flat race,
- flection,
- fleece,
- fleet,
- flex,
- flexure,
- flit,
- flood,
- flounce,
- flow,
- flowing,
- flue cleaner,
- fly,
- fly low,
- foot,
- forage,
- foray,
- forward,
- freeboot,
- gamut,
- geanticline,
- geosyncline,
- give no trouble,
- glance,
- glide,
- gliding,
- glissade,
- go,
- go easily,
- go fast,
- go like clockwork,
- go out,
- go over,
- grab bag,
- graze,
- gut,
- hairpin,
- hairpin turn,
- handicap,
- handicap race,
- harness race,
- highball,
- hold,
- home on,
- hook,
- horizon,
- horse race,
- hump,
- hunch,
- hurdle race,
- ice-skate,
- identify,
- impel,
- incurvate,
- incurve,
- indirection,
- inflect,
- inflection,
- interest lottery,
- inundate,
- keen sight,
- ken,
- keno,
- kiss,
- landscape,
- lie,
- lookout,
- loop,
- loot,
- lottery,
- lotto,
- make knots,
- map,
- maraud,
- march,
- meander,
- measure,
- move,
- night vision,
- nip,
- number lottery,
- numbers pool,
- oar,
- obliquity,
- orbit,
- outlook,
- outstrip the wind,
- overbrim,
- overflow,
- overpass,
- overrun,
- overwhelm,
- oxbow,
- paddle,
- panorama,
- parade,
- pass,
- pass over,
- pass through,
- patrol,
- pedal,
- perambulate,
- perception,
- peregrinate,
- pererrate,
- pererration,
- peripheral field,
- peripheral vision,
- perspective,
- perspicacity,
- perspicuity,
- photopia,
- pick up,
- pillage,
- pinpoint,
- plate race,
- plunder,
- ply,
- pole,
- pour it on,
- pour out,
- pour over,
- power of sight,
- present no difficulties,
- prey on,
- propel,
- prospect,
- purge,
- purse race,
- purview,
- push,
- quarter-horse race,
- quick sight,
- radius,
- raffle,
- raid,
- rambling,
- range,
- range over,
- ransack,
- ravage,
- raven,
- ravish,
- reach,
- reach out,
- receive,
- reconnoiter,
- recurve,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- reflex,
- register,
- reive,
- remove,
- retroflex,
- rifle,
- rip,
- riverscape,
- rod vision,
- roll,
- roller-skate,
- round,
- row,
- run,
- run over,
- run smoothly,
- sack,
- sag,
- sail,
- sailing,
- scale,
- scan,
- scape,
- scavenger,
- scene,
- scenery,
- scenic view,
- scope,
- scorch,
- scotopia,
- scour,
- scour the country,
- scout,
- scrape,
- scull,
- seascape,
- seeing,
- sense of sight,
- sheer,
- shift,
- shifting,
- shifting course,
- shifting path,
- shove,
- shunt,
- sideslip,
- sight,
- sightedness,
- sizzle,
- skate,
- skateboard,
- skating,
- skew,
- ski,
- skid,
- skiing,
- skim,
- skyscape,
- slant,
- sled,
- sledding,
- sleigh,
- slide,
- sliding,
- slip,
- slipping,
- slither,
- slithering,
- slop,
- slosh,
- span,
- spectrum,
- speed,
- spill,
- spill out,
- spill over,
- spoil,
- spoliate,
- spot,
- spread,
- stake,
- stake race,
- steeplechase,
- steering oar,
- storm along,
- straddle,
- straying,
- street sweeper,
- stretch,
- stretch out,
- stroke,
- submerge,
- surround,
- swag,
- swamp,
- sweep along,
- sweep away,
- sweep out,
- sweep up,
- sweeper,
- sweeping,
- sweepstake,
- sweepstakes,
- swerve,
- swerving,
- swing,
- swinging,
- swoop,
- tack,
- take in,
- tear,
- tear along,
- thrust,
- thrust out,
- thunder along,
- tidy up,
- toboggan,
- tobogganing,
- tombola,
- tontine,
- touch lightly,
- touch upon,
- townscape,
- track,
- transit,
- travel over,
- travel through,
- traverse,
- treadle,
- trigger,
- troll,
- trotting race,
- trundle,
- tune in,
- turn,
- turning,
- twilight vision,
- twist,
- unobstructed vision,
- vacuum,
- vacuum-clean,
- variation,
- vault,
- veer,
- view,
- vision,
- vista,
- visual acuity,
- visual field,
- visual sense,
- voyage,
- wandering,
- warp,
- waterscape,
- whelm,
- whisk,
- whitewing,
- whiz,
- wind,
- wing,
- wipe out,
- work well,
- yaw,
- zigzag,
- zing,
- zip,
- zoom