Exact Match:
- symbol
- something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; "the eagle is a symbol of the United States"
- an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance
- abbreviation,
- accent,
- accent mark,
- acronym,
- agent,
- allegory,
- alphabet,
- alphabetic character,
- alternate,
- alternative,
- analogy,
- armory,
- arms,
- art,
- attribute,
- backup,
- badge,
- badge of office,
- badges,
- banner,
- bar,
- baton,
- bearing,
- binary digit,
- bit,
- blazonry,
- blueprint,
- brand,
- brassard,
- button,
- cancel,
- cap and gown,
- case,
- case in point,
- chain,
- chain of office,
- change,
- changeling,
- character,
- charactering,
- characterization,
- charactery,
- chart,
- choreography,
- cipher,
- class ring,
- coat of arms,
- cockade,
- code,
- collar,
- colophon,
- comparison,
- conventional representation,
- conventional symbol,
- copy,
- counterfeit,
- crest,
- cross,
- cryptogram,
- custos,
- dance notation,
- decoration,
- delineation,
- demonstration,
- depiction,
- depictment,
- deputy,
- design,
- device,
- diagram,
- digit,
- direct,
- dot,
- double,
- drama,
- drawing,
- dress,
- dummy,
- eagle,
- emblem,
- emblems,
- ensigns,
- equal,
- equivalent,
- ersatz,
- escutcheon,
- example,
- exchange,
- exemplar,
- exemplification,
- explanation,
- exponent,
- expression mark,
- fake,
- fasces,
- father symbol,
- fermata,
- fertility symbol,
- figuration,
- figure,
- figurehead,
- fill-in,
- flag,
- fleur-de-lis,
- ghost,
- ghostwriter,
- glosseme,
- graph,
- grapheme,
- hammer and sickle,
- heraldry,
- hieroglyphic,
- hold,
- icon,
- iconography,
- iconology,
- ideogram,
- illustration,
- image,
- imagery,
- imaging,
- imitation,
- indication,
- initialism,
- insignia,
- instance,
- key signature,
- lapel pin,
- lead,
- letter,
- lexeme,
- lexical form,
- lexigraphic character,
- ligature,
- limning,
- livery,
- locum tenens,
- logo,
- logogram,
- logograph,
- logotype,
- love knot,
- mace,
- makeshift,
- mantle,
- map,
- mark,
- markings,
- measure,
- medal,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- metronomic mark,
- monogram,
- morpheme,
- mortarboard,
- mother symbol,
- motif,
- musical notation,
- next best thing,
- notation,
- note,
- number,
- numeral,
- numero,
- object lesson,
- old school tie,
- password,
- pattern,
- pause,
- pennant,
- personnel,
- phallic symbol,
- phonetic character,
- phonetic symbol,
- phony,
- phrase,
- pictogram,
- pictographic character,
- picturization,
- pin,
- pinch hitter,
- plan,
- portraiture,
- portrayal,
- prefigurement,
- presa,
- presentment,
- printing,
- projection,
- proxy,
- realization,
- regalia,
- relevant instance,
- relief,
- rendering,
- rendition,
- replacement,
- representation,
- representative,
- reserves,
- ring,
- ringer,
- rose,
- schema,
- school ring,
- score,
- script,
- second string,
- secondary,
- segno,
- semasiological unit,
- sememe,
- shamrock,
- shibboleth,
- sigillography,
- sign,
- signature,
- signifiant,
- significant,
- skull and crossbones,
- slur,
- spares,
- sphragistics,
- staff,
- stamp,
- stand-in,
- standard,
- sub,
- substituent,
- substitute,
- substitution,
- succedaneum,
- superseder,
- supplanter,
- surrogate,
- swastika,
- swell,
- syllabary,
- syllabic,
- symbolic system,
- symbolism,
- symbolization,
- symbology,
- synecdoche,
- tablature,
- tartan,
- tempo mark,
- term,
- third string,
- thistle,
- tie,
- time signature,
- token,
- totem,
- totem pole,
- type,
- typical example,
- understudy,
- uniform,
- universal symbol,
- utility player,
- verge,
- vicar,
- vice-president,
- vice-regent,
- vinculum,
- wand,
- watchword,
- word,
- writing,
- written character