Exact Match:
- tabula rasa
- a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)
- agnosticism,
- blank,
- blank mind,
- blankmindedness,
- blankness,
- bloodless revolution,
- bouleversement,
- breakdown,
- breakup,
- callowness,
- calm of mind,
- cataclysm,
- catastrophe,
- clean slate,
- clean sweep,
- computer revolution,
- convulsion,
- counterrevolution,
- debacle,
- emptiness of mind,
- empty space,
- empty-headedness,
- fallow mind,
- fatuity,
- foolishness,
- greenhornism,
- greenness,
- hiatus of learning,
- ignorance,
- ignorantism,
- ignorantness,
- inanity,
- inexperience,
- innocence,
- know-nothingism,
- knowledge-gap,
- lack of information,
- mental blankness,
- nescience,
- nirvana,
- nothing,
- nothingness,
- oblivion,
- obscurantism,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- palace revolution,
- passivity,
- quietism,
- radical change,
- rawness,
- revolt,
- revolution,
- revolutionary war,
- revulsion,
- simpleness,
- simplicity,
- spasm,
- striking alteration,
- subversion,
- sweeping change,
- technological revolution,
- thoughtfreeness,
- thoughtlessness,
- total change,
- tranquillity,
- transilience,
- unacquaintance,
- unfamiliarity,
- unintelligence,
- unknowing,
- unknowingness,
- unripeness,
- upset,
- vacancy,
- vacuity,
- vacuousness,
- vacuum,
- violent change,
- void