Exact Match:
- task
- assign a task to; "I tasked him with looking after the children"
- accuse,
- affair,
- agency,
- agentship,
- allege,
- arraign,
- article,
- assignment,
- attempt,
- authority,
- authorization,
- blame,
- book,
- bother,
- brevet,
- bring accusation,
- bring charges,
- bring to book,
- burden,
- burden with,
- business,
- busy,
- busywork,
- call to account,
- calling,
- care,
- cargo,
- censure,
- chalk talk,
- chare,
- charge,
- chide,
- chore,
- cite,
- commission,
- commissioning,
- commitment,
- complain,
- consignment,
- contract,
- criticize,
- cure,
- deadweight,
- deal,
- delegated authority,
- delegation,
- demand,
- denounce,
- denunciate,
- deputation,
- devoir,
- devolution,
- devolvement,
- dirty work,
- discourse,
- disquisition,
- donkeywork,
- drive,
- drudgery,
- duty,
- effort,
- embassy,
- employment,
- empowerment,
- encumber,
- engagement,
- enjoin,
- enterprise,
- entrusting,
- entrustment,
- errand,
- exact,
- executorship,
- exequatur,
- exercise,
- exposition,
- factorship,
- fag,
- fasten on,
- fasten upon,
- fatigue,
- finger,
- fish to fry,
- freight,
- freight with,
- full power,
- function,
- grind,
- handiwork,
- handwork,
- hang something on,
- harangue,
- headache,
- homework,
- homily,
- impeach,
- imply,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- impute,
- indict,
- industry,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- inform against,
- inform on,
- insinuate,
- instruction,
- job,
- job of work,
- jurisdiction,
- keep busy,
- labor,
- lade,
- lay,
- lay charges,
- lay on,
- lecture,
- lecture-demonstration,
- legation,
- lesson,
- levy,
- license,
- lick,
- lick of work,
- lieutenancy,
- load,
- lodge a complaint,
- lodge a plaint,
- lumber,
- make-work,
- mandate,
- manual labor,
- matters in hand,
- millstone,
- mission,
- moil,
- moral,
- moral lesson,
- morality,
- moralization,
- nuisance,
- object lesson,
- obligation,
- occupation,
- odd job,
- office,
- onus,
- operation,
- oppress,
- overdrive,
- overtask,
- overtax,
- overwork,
- pain,
- piece of work,
- pin on,
- place,
- plan,
- plenipotentiary power,
- power of attorney,
- power to act,
- preachment,
- prefer charges,
- press charges,
- procuration,
- program,
- project,
- proposition,
- province,
- proxy,
- purview,
- put,
- put down,
- put on,
- put on report,
- put upon,
- rat race,
- rebuke,
- recital,
- recitation,
- recriminate,
- regency,
- regentship,
- report,
- reprehend,
- reprimand,
- reproach,
- reprove,
- responsibility,
- saddle,
- saddle with,
- scold,
- scut work,
- sermon,
- service,
- set,
- set task,
- skull session,
- slavery,
- spadework,
- stint,
- strain,
- stroke,
- stroke of work,
- struggle,
- subject to,
- sweat,
- take to task,
- talk,
- taunt with,
- tax,
- teaching,
- things to do,
- tiresome work,
- toil,
- travail,
- treadmill,
- trouble,
- trust,
- trusteeship,
- twit,
- undertaking,
- upbraid,
- venture,
- vicarious authority,
- vocation,
- warrant,
- weigh,
- weight,
- weight down with,
- work,
- yoke with