the act of upsetting something; "he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed"
the act of disturbing the mind or body; "his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset"; "she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living"
a tool used to thicken or spread metal (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.) by forging or hammering or swaging
mildly physically distressed; "an upset stomach"
disturb the balance or stability of; "The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries"
defeat suddenly and unexpectedly; "The foreign team upset the local team"
a religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches
improvement (or an intended improvement) in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices etc.; intended to make a striking change for the better in social or political or religious affairs
the act of introducing variety (especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services offered); "my broker recommended a greater diversification of my investments"; "he limited his losses by diversification of his product line"
the condition of being varied; "that restaurant's menu lacks diversification; every day it is the same"
a passage that connects a topic to one that follows
a musical passage moving from one key to another
a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another
make or undergo a transition (from one state or system to another); "The airline transitioned to more fuel-efficient jets"; "The adagio transitioned into an allegro"
cause to convert or undergo a transition; "the company had to transition the old practices to modern technology"