Exact Match:
- triplet
- one of three offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy
- Spenserian stanza,
- accidental,
- andante tempo,
- antistrophe,
- beat,
- book,
- breve,
- burden,
- canto,
- chorus,
- clover,
- compound time,
- couplet,
- crotchet,
- demisemiquaver,
- deuce-ace,
- distich,
- dominant,
- dominant note,
- double whole note,
- duple time,
- eighth note,
- enharmonic,
- enharmonic note,
- envoi,
- epode,
- flat,
- half note,
- hemidemisemiquaver,
- heptastich,
- hexastich,
- largo,
- leash,
- line,
- march tempo,
- measure,
- minim,
- mixed times,
- monostich,
- musical note,
- natural,
- note,
- octastich,
- octave,
- octet,
- ottava rima,
- patent note,
- pentastich,
- presto,
- quarter note,
- quatrain,
- quaver,
- rag,
- ragtime,
- refrain,
- report,
- responding note,
- rhyme royal,
- rubato,
- semibreve,
- semiquaver,
- septet,
- sestet,
- set of three,
- sextet,
- sextuple time,
- shamrock,
- shaped note,
- sharp,
- simple time,
- sixteenth note,
- sixty-fourth note,
- spiccato,
- staccato,
- stanza,
- stave,
- strain,
- strophe,
- sustained note,
- syllable,
- syncopation,
- syncope,
- tempo,
- tempo rubato,
- tercet,
- ternary,
- ternion,
- terza rima,
- terzetto,
- tetrastich,
- thirty-second note,
- three,
- three-quarter time,
- threesome,
- tierce,
- time,
- time pattern,
- timing,
- tone,
- trefoil,
- trey,
- triad,
- trialogue,
- triangle,
- tricorn,
- trident,
- triennium,
- trihedron,
- trilogy,
- trimester,
- trine,
- trinity,
- trinomial,
- trio,
- triphthong,
- triple crown,
- triple threat,
- triple time,
- triplopy,
- tripod,
- triptych,
- trireme,
- triseme,
- triskelion,
- tristich,
- trisul,
- triumvirate,
- triunity,
- trivet,
- troika,
- two-four time,
- verse,
- waltz time,
- whole note