Exact Match:
- unify
- become one; "Germany unified officially in 1990"; "Will the two Koreas unify?"
- accouple,
- accumulate,
- add,
- agglutinate,
- amalgamate,
- amass,
- arrange,
- articulate,
- assemble,
- assimilate,
- associate,
- band,
- bind,
- blend,
- bond,
- bracket,
- bridge,
- bridge over,
- bring together,
- cement,
- chain,
- clap together,
- coalesce,
- collect,
- combine,
- come together,
- compact,
- compound,
- comprise,
- concatenate,
- concentrate,
- confederate,
- conglobulate,
- conjoin,
- conjugate,
- connect,
- consolidate,
- copulate,
- couple,
- cover,
- embody,
- embrace,
- encompass,
- flux,
- fuse,
- gather,
- glue,
- identify,
- include,
- incorporate,
- integrate,
- interblend,
- interfuse,
- join,
- knot,
- lay together,
- league,
- link,
- lump together,
- make one,
- marry,
- marshal,
- mass,
- meld,
- melt into one,
- merge,
- mix,
- mobilize,
- orchestrate,
- order,
- organize,
- pair,
- piece together,
- put together,
- reduce to unity,
- reembody,
- roll into one,
- shade into,
- solder,
- solidify,
- span,
- splice,
- stick together,
- symphonize,
- syncretize,
- syndicate,
- synthesize,
- systematize,
- take in,
- tape,
- tie,
- unite,
- weld,
- yoke