Exact Match:
- valedictory
- of a speech expressing leave-taking; "a valedictory address"
- of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell; "a valedictory address"; "valedictory praise for his uniformly manly course"; "a suitable valedictory gesture"
- Godspeed,
- address,
- adieu,
- after-dinner speech,
- allocution,
- aloha,
- chalk talk,
- conge,
- debate,
- declamation,
- departing,
- diatribe,
- doch-an-dorrach,
- eulogy,
- exhortation,
- farewell,
- filibuster,
- final,
- forensic,
- forensic address,
- formal speech,
- funeral oration,
- good-bye,
- harangue,
- hortatory address,
- inaugural,
- inaugural address,
- invective,
- jeremiad,
- last,
- leave,
- leave-taking,
- leaving,
- oration,
- outward-bound,
- parting,
- parting words,
- pep talk,
- peroration,
- philippic,
- pitch,
- prepared speech,
- prepared text,
- public speech,
- reading,
- recital,
- recitation,
- sales talk,
- salutatory,
- salutatory address,
- say,
- screed,
- send-off,
- set speech,
- speech,
- speechification,
- speeching,
- stirrup cup,
- talk,
- talkathon,
- tirade,
- valediction,
- valedictorian,
- valedictory address,
- viaticum