Exact Match:
- verification
- (law) an affidavit attached to a statement confirming the truth of that statement
- acid test,
- affirmation,
- ascertainment,
- assay,
- assurance,
- attestation,
- authentication,
- backing,
- backing up,
- bearing out,
- blank determination,
- bolstering,
- brouillon,
- buttressing,
- certification,
- check,
- checking,
- circumstantiation,
- collation,
- comparative scrutiny,
- confirmation,
- corroboration,
- corroboratory evidence,
- criterion,
- cross-check,
- crucial test,
- crucible,
- determination,
- docimasy,
- documentation,
- ensuring,
- essay,
- establishment,
- feeling out,
- first draft,
- fortification,
- kiteflying,
- ordeal,
- probation,
- proof,
- proving,
- proving out,
- ratification,
- reassurance,
- reassurement,
- reinforcement,
- rough draft,
- rough sketch,
- sounding out,
- standard,
- strengthening,
- substantiation,
- support,
- supporting evidence,
- test,
- test case,
- touchstone,
- trial,
- try,
- undergirding,
- validation