Exact Match:
- vocable
- a word that is spoken aloud
- allophone,
- alveolar,
- antonym,
- apico-alveolar,
- apico-dental,
- articulation,
- aspiration,
- assimilation,
- bilabial,
- cacuminal,
- cerebral,
- check,
- consonant,
- continuant,
- dental,
- diphthong,
- dissimilation,
- epenthetic vowel,
- explosive,
- expression,
- free form,
- glide,
- glottal,
- glottalization,
- guttural,
- homograph,
- homonym,
- homophone,
- labial,
- labialization,
- labiodental,
- labiovelar,
- laryngeal,
- lateral,
- lexeme,
- lingual,
- linguistic act,
- linguistic form,
- liquid,
- locution,
- logos,
- manner of articulation,
- metonym,
- minimum free form,
- modification,
- monophthong,
- monosyllable,
- morphophoneme,
- mute,
- nasal,
- occlusive,
- palatal,
- parasitic vowel,
- parol,
- parole,
- peak,
- pharyngeal,
- pharyngealization,
- phonation,
- phone,
- phoneme,
- plosive,
- polysyllable,
- prothetic vowel,
- retroflex,
- segmental phoneme,
- semivowel,
- sequence of phonemes,
- sonant,
- sonority,
- speaking,
- speech act,
- speech sound,
- stop,
- string,
- surd,
- syllabic nucleus,
- syllabic peak,
- syllable,
- synonym,
- term,
- the spoken word,
- tongue,
- transition sound,
- triphthong,
- usage,
- utterance,
- utterance string,
- velar,
- verbalism,
- verbum,
- vocalic,
- vocoid,
- voice,
- voiced sound,
- voiceless sound,
- voicing,
- vowel,
- word,
- word of mouth