Exact Match:
- voice
- a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated; "the voice of the law"; "the Times is not the voice of New York"; "conservatism has many voices"
- the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech; "A shrill voice sounded behind us"
- the ability to speak; "he lost his voice"
- the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract; "a singer takes good care of his voice"; "the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations"
- something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression; "the wee small voice of conscience"; "the voice of experience"; "he said his voices told him to do it"
- a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance; "the noisy voice of the waterfall"; "the incessant voices of the artillery"
- (metonymy) a singer; "he wanted to hear trained voices sing it"
- (linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes
- give voice to; "He voiced his concern"
- utter with vibrating vocal chords
- Australian ballot,
- Hare system,
- Heldentenor,
- Meistersinger,
- OK,
- acceptance,
- accompaniment,
- active,
- active voice,
- adherence,
- admiration,
- agency,
- agent,
- air,
- allophone,
- alto,
- alveolar,
- apico-alveolar,
- apico-dental,
- approbation,
- approval,
- aria singer,
- articulate,
- articulation,
- aspiration,
- assert,
- assimilation,
- atone,
- attune,
- aye,
- ballot,
- baritenor,
- baritone,
- bass,
- basso,
- basso buffo,
- basso cantante,
- basso continuo,
- basso ostinato,
- basso profundo,
- bassus,
- bilabial,
- blessing,
- blues singer,
- bourdon,
- breathe,
- bring up,
- burden,
- cacuminal,
- canary,
- cantatrice,
- canto,
- cantor,
- cantus,
- cantus figuratus,
- cantus planus,
- canvass,
- canvassing,
- caroler,
- casting vote,
- cerebral,
- chance,
- chanter,
- chantress,
- check,
- chest voice,
- chime,
- chord,
- chorus,
- coloratura,
- coloratura soprano,
- come out with,
- comic bass,
- communicate,
- consonant,
- continuant,
- continuo,
- contralto,
- convey,
- countenance,
- countertenor,
- counting heads,
- crooner,
- cumulative voting,
- deciding vote,
- decision,
- declare,
- deep bass,
- deliver,
- dental,
- descant,
- diphthong,
- disclose,
- dissimilation,
- diva,
- division,
- dramatic soprano,
- drone,
- drone bass,
- emit,
- endorsement,
- enfranchisement,
- enunciate,
- epenthetic vowel,
- esteem,
- explosive,
- express,
- expression,
- fagot vote,
- falsetto,
- favor,
- favorable vote,
- figured bass,
- fling off,
- formulate,
- forum,
- franchise,
- give,
- give expression,
- give out with,
- give tongue,
- give utterance,
- give voice,
- glide,
- glottal,
- glottalization,
- graveyard vote,
- ground bass,
- guttural,
- hand vote,
- head voice,
- herald,
- heroic tenor,
- hymner,
- impart,
- improvisator,
- instrument,
- labial,
- labialization,
- labiodental,
- labiovelar,
- laryngeal,
- lateral,
- lead singer,
- let out,
- lieder singer,
- line,
- lingual,
- linguistic act,
- lip,
- liquid,
- list system,
- locution,
- make known,
- manner of articulation,
- manner of speaking,
- medio-passive,
- medium,
- melodist,
- mezzo-soprano,
- middle,
- middle voice,
- mode of expression,
- modification,
- monophthong,
- morphophoneme,
- mouthpiece,
- mute,
- nasal,
- nay,
- no,
- nod,
- nontransferable vote,
- occlusive,
- official spokesman,
- opera singer,
- option,
- organ,
- out with,
- palatal,
- parasitic vowel,
- parol,
- parole,
- part,
- participation,
- passive,
- passive voice,
- peak,
- pharyngeal,
- pharyngealization,
- phonate,
- phonation,
- phone,
- phoneme,
- phrase,
- plain chant,
- plain song,
- plebiscite,
- plebiscitum,
- plosive,
- plumper,
- plural vote,
- poll,
- polling,
- pour forth,
- preferential voting,
- present,
- prick song,
- prima donna,
- prolocutor,
- prolocutress,
- prolocutrix,
- pronounce,
- proportional representation,
- prothetic vowel,
- proxy,
- psalm singer,
- publication,
- put,
- put forth,
- put in tune,
- put in words,
- raise,
- rapporteur,
- record vote,
- recount,
- referendum,
- reflexive,
- reporter,
- representation,
- representative,
- respect,
- retroflex,
- reveal,
- right to vote,
- rising vote,
- rock-and-roll singer,
- sanction,
- say,
- say-so,
- seal of approval,
- secret ballot,
- segmental phoneme,
- semivowel,
- sequence of phonemes,
- set forth,
- share,
- show of hands,
- singer,
- single vote,
- singstress,
- snap vote,
- sonant,
- songbird,
- songster,
- songstress,
- sonority,
- soprano,
- sound,
- speaker,
- speaking,
- speech,
- speech act,
- speech sound,
- spokesman,
- spokesperson,
- spokeswoman,
- stamp of approval,
- statement,
- stop,
- straw vote,
- string,
- suffrage,
- surd,
- syllabic nucleus,
- syllabic peak,
- syllable,
- talk,
- tell,
- tenor,
- the spoken word,
- thorough bass,
- throw off,
- timbre,
- tone,
- tone down,
- tone of voice,
- tone up,
- tongue,
- torch singer,
- transferable vote,
- transition sound,
- treble,
- triphthong,
- tune,
- tune up,
- turn,
- undersong,
- utter,
- utterance,
- utterance string,
- vehicle,
- velar,
- vent,
- verbalize,
- viva voce,
- vocable,
- vocalic,
- vocalist,
- vocalize,
- vocalizer,
- voce,
- voce di petto,
- voce di testa,
- vocoid,
- voice part,
- voice qualifier,
- voice quality,
- voice vote,
- voiced sound,
- voiceless sound,
- voicing,
- vote,
- voting,
- voting right,
- vowel,
- warbler,
- way of saying,
- whisper,
- word,
- word of mouth,
- words,
- write-in,
- write-in vote,
- yea,
- yea vote,
- yeas and nays,
- yes,
- yodeler