the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide); "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune" -Shakespeare
make (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes
modify (as a native protein) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished
add nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb
shining softly and intermittently; "the glimmering mist of a spring rain splashed by sun and streaked by rainbow"- Claudia Cassidy; "glimmering candlelight"
(Judaism) either of two small leather cases containing texts from the Hebrew Scriptures (known collectively as tefillin); traditionally worn (on the forehead and the left arm) by Jewish men during morning prayer