Exact Match:
- whitewash
- a specious or deceptive clearing that attempts to gloss over failings and defects
- wash consisting of lime and size in water; used for whitening walls and other surfaces
- a defeat in which the losing person or team fails to score
- exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data
- cover with whitewash; "whitewash walls"
- cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error; "Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin"; "She tried to gloss over her mistakes"
- absolve,
- acquit,
- allow for,
- allowance,
- amnesty,
- apply paint,
- becloud,
- bedaub,
- bedizen,
- befog,
- begild,
- belie,
- besmear,
- blank,
- blanket,
- blind,
- brush on paint,
- bulldoze,
- calcimine,
- camouflage,
- chalk,
- clear,
- cloak,
- clobber,
- clobbering,
- cloud,
- coat,
- color,
- complexion,
- conceal,
- cover,
- cover up,
- cream,
- crushing defeat,
- curtain,
- dab,
- daub,
- decisive defeat,
- decontaminate,
- decontamination,
- deep-dye,
- defeat utterly,
- destigmatize,
- diminish,
- dip,
- discharge,
- disguise,
- dismiss,
- dispense from,
- dissemble,
- distemper,
- distort,
- distract attention from,
- double-dye,
- dress up,
- dye,
- ease,
- eclipse,
- embellish,
- emblazon,
- embroider,
- enamel,
- engild,
- ensconce,
- enshroud,
- envelop,
- exculpate,
- excuse,
- exempt,
- exempt from,
- exonerate,
- extenuate,
- extenuating circumstances,
- extenuation,
- extenuative,
- face,
- falsify,
- fast-dye,
- forgive,
- free,
- fresco,
- fudge,
- garble,
- gild,
- gilding,
- give absolution,
- glaze,
- gloss,
- gloss over,
- grain,
- grant amnesty to,
- grant immunity,
- grant remission,
- hide,
- hue,
- ignore,
- illuminate,
- imbue,
- ingrain,
- japan,
- justify,
- keep under cover,
- lacquer,
- lay on color,
- lessen,
- let go,
- let off,
- make allowance for,
- mask,
- mince,
- miscite,
- miscolor,
- misquote,
- misreport,
- misrepresent,
- misstate,
- mitigate,
- mitigation,
- no contest,
- nonpros,
- obfuscate,
- obscure,
- occult,
- overbear,
- overstate,
- overwhelm,
- overwhelming defeat,
- paint,
- palliate,
- palliation,
- palliative,
- pardon,
- parget,
- paste,
- pasting,
- pervert,
- pigment,
- pipe clay,
- pipe-clay,
- prime,
- purge,
- qualification,
- quash the charge,
- release,
- remit,
- schmear,
- screen,
- set free,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shellac,
- shellacking,
- shrive,
- shroud,
- shut out,
- skunk,
- slant,
- slop on paint,
- slur over,
- smashing defeat,
- smear,
- smearing,
- snow under,
- soft-pedal,
- soften,
- softening,
- stain,
- steamroller,
- stipple,
- strain,
- sugarcoat,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- titivate,
- tone,
- total defeat,
- trick out,
- twist,
- undercoat,
- understate,
- utter defeat,
- varnish,
- veil,
- veneer,
- vindicate,
- warp,
- wash,
- whelm,
- white,
- whiten,
- whitening,
- whitewashing,
- whiting,
- whomp,
- whop,
- whopping,
- withdraw the charge