Exact Match:
- yesterday
- the day immediately before today; "it was in yesterday's newspapers"
- the recent past; "yesterday's solutions are not good enough"; "we shared many yesterdays"
- on the day preceding today; "yesterday the weather was beautiful"
- in the recent past; only a short time ago; "I was not born yesterday!"
- aforetime,
- before,
- before now,
- beforetime,
- bygone days,
- bygone times,
- days gone by,
- dead past,
- earlier,
- erenow,
- erewhile,
- erst,
- foretime,
- former times,
- formerly,
- heretofore,
- historically,
- history,
- hitherto,
- in the past,
- in times past,
- lang syne,
- only yesterday,
- past,
- past history,
- past times,
- prehistorically,
- previously,
- priorly,
- recent past,
- recently,
- the irrevocable Past,
- the past,
- then,
- thou unrelenting past,
- times past,
- whilom,
- yesteryear,
- yore