without or deprived of the use of speech or words; "inarticulate beasts"; "remained stupidly inarticulate and saying something noncommittal"; "inarticulate with rage"; "an inarticulate cry"
a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink; "don't expect a good meal at a cabaret"; "the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night"; "he played the drums at a jazz club"
having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"; "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy"
having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns; "an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference"; "ambiguous inkblots"
the discipline that studies the English language and literature
an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries
(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist
the people of England
of or relating to or characteristic of England or its culture or people; "English history"; "the English landed aristocracy"; "English literature"