Exact Match:
- affixation
- formation of a word by means of an affix
- the result of adding an affix to a root word
- IC analysis,
- accession,
- accidence,
- addition,
- adhesive,
- adjunct,
- adjunction,
- affix,
- agglutination,
- allomorph,
- annexation,
- attachment,
- augmentation,
- binding,
- bond,
- bound morpheme,
- clasping,
- conjugation,
- cutting,
- declension,
- derivation,
- difference of form,
- enclitic,
- fastener,
- fastening,
- formative,
- free form,
- girding,
- hooking,
- immediate constituent analysis,
- increase,
- infix,
- infixation,
- inflection,
- joining,
- junction,
- juxtaposition,
- knot,
- lashing,
- ligation,
- morph,
- morpheme,
- morphemic analysis,
- morphemics,
- morphology,
- morphophonemics,
- paradigm,
- prefix,
- prefixation,
- proclitic,
- radical,
- reinforcement,
- root,
- splice,
- stem,
- sticking,
- suffix,
- suffixation,
- superaddition,
- superfetation,
- superjunction,
- superposition,
- supplementation,
- theme,
- tieing,
- uniting,
- word-formation,
- zipping