Exact Match:
- analects
- a collection of excerpts from a literary work
- Festschrift,
- adage,
- album,
- ana,
- anthology,
- aphorism,
- apothegm,
- axiom,
- beauties,
- byword,
- canon,
- catchword,
- chrestomathy,
- clippings,
- collectanea,
- collected sayings,
- collected works,
- collection,
- compilation,
- complete works,
- current saying,
- cuttings,
- delectus,
- dictate,
- dictum,
- distich,
- epigram,
- excerpta,
- excerpts,
- expression,
- extracts,
- florilegium,
- flowers,
- fragments,
- garden,
- garland,
- gleanings,
- gnome,
- golden saying,
- maxim,
- miscellanea,
- miscellany,
- moral,
- mot,
- motto,
- omnibus,
- oracle,
- photograph album,
- phrase,
- pithy saying,
- posy,
- precept,
- prescript,
- proverb,
- proverbial saying,
- proverbs,
- quotation book,
- saw,
- saying,
- scrapbook,
- sentence,
- sententious expression,
- sloka,
- stock saying,
- sutra,
- symposium,
- teaching,
- text,
- verse,
- wisdom,
- wisdom literature,
- wise saying,
- witticism,
- word,
- words of wisdom