in constant change; "his opinions are in flux"; "the newness and flux of the computer industry"
a flow or discharge
a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action; "the flux following the death of the emperor"
excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea)
a substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed
the rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface
a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
not used up; "leftover meatloaf"; "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left"; "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"; "unexpended provisions"
authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity; "I attest this signature"
establish or verify the usage of; "This word is not attested until 1993"
provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes; "His high fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication"; "This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness"
(usually plural) a part of a fruit or vegetable that is pared or cut off; especially the skin or peel; "she could peel an apple with a single long paring"
a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something