Exact Match:
- angel
- the highest waterfall; has more than one leap; flow varies seasonally
- spiritual being attendant upon God
- invests in a theatrical production
- Dionysus,
- Maecenas,
- Santa Claus,
- abettor,
- admirer,
- advocate,
- aficionado,
- almoner,
- almsgiver,
- ancestral spirits,
- angelology,
- angels,
- apologist,
- archangels,
- assignor,
- attendant godling,
- awarder,
- babe,
- baby,
- baby-doll,
- backer,
- bestower,
- buff,
- buttercup,
- champion,
- cheerful giver,
- cherub,
- cherubim,
- chick,
- chickabiddy,
- child,
- conferrer,
- consignor,
- contributor,
- control,
- daemon,
- darling,
- dear,
- deary,
- defender,
- demon,
- dependence,
- doll,
- dominations,
- dominions,
- donator,
- donor,
- dove,
- duck,
- duckling,
- encourager,
- endorser,
- exponent,
- fairy godmother,
- familiar,
- familiar spirit,
- fan,
- favorer,
- feoffor,
- financer,
- friend at court,
- funder,
- genius,
- genius domus,
- genius loci,
- giver,
- good angel,
- good genius,
- grantor,
- great soul,
- grubstaker,
- guarantor,
- guardian,
- guardian angel,
- guardian spirit,
- guide,
- guru,
- holy man,
- hon,
- honey,
- honey bunch,
- honey child,
- household gods,
- imparter,
- infant,
- innocent,
- invisible helper,
- lady bountiful,
- lamb,
- lambkin,
- lares and penates,
- lares compitales,
- lares familiaris,
- lares permarini,
- lares praestites,
- lares viales,
- love,
- lover,
- mahatma,
- mainstay,
- maintainer,
- manes,
- meal ticket,
- mere child,
- ministering angel,
- newborn babe,
- numen,
- paranymph,
- partisan,
- patron,
- patroness,
- penates,
- pet,
- petkins,
- philanthropist,
- powers,
- precious,
- precious heart,
- presenter,
- principalities,
- promoter,
- protagonist,
- reliance,
- rishi,
- saint,
- second,
- seconder,
- sectary,
- seraphim,
- settler,
- sider,
- snookums,
- special providence,
- sponsor,
- staker,
- stalwart,
- standby,
- starets,
- subscriber,
- sugar,
- sugar daddy,
- support,
- supporter,
- surety,
- sustainer,
- sweet,
- sweetheart,
- sweetie,
- sweetkins,
- sweets,
- sympathizer,
- testate,
- testator,
- testatrix,
- thrones,
- totem,
- tutelar god,
- tutelary,
- upholder,
- virtues,
- votary,
- vouchsafer,
- well-wisher