Exact Match:
- animation
- the making of animated cartoons
- quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous
- the property of being able to survive and grow; "the vitality of a seed"
- the condition of living or the state of being alive; "while there's life there's hope"; "life depends on many chemical and physical processes"
- activity,
- actuation,
- afflatus,
- aggravation,
- agitation,
- alacrity,
- animal spirits,
- animate existence,
- animating spirit,
- animus,
- anxiety,
- anxiousness,
- appetite,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- arousal,
- arousing,
- avidity,
- avidness,
- being alive,
- birth,
- breathless impatience,
- breeziness,
- brio,
- briskness,
- bubbliness,
- capersomeness,
- cheerful readiness,
- coltishness,
- dash,
- direction,
- divine afflatus,
- dynamism,
- eagerness,
- ebullience,
- effervescence,
- elan,
- electrification,
- energizing,
- energy,
- enlivening,
- enlivenment,
- enthusiasm,
- esprit,
- exacerbation,
- exasperation,
- excitation,
- excitement,
- exhilaration,
- existence,
- exuberance,
- fervor,
- fire,
- firing,
- fomentation,
- forwardness,
- friskiness,
- frolicsomeness,
- gaiety,
- galvanization,
- gamesomeness,
- gayness,
- genius,
- glow,
- gust,
- gusto,
- having life,
- heartiness,
- immortality,
- impatience,
- impetuosity,
- impetus,
- incitement,
- infection,
- inflammation,
- influence,
- infuriation,
- infusion,
- inner-direction,
- inspiration,
- intensity,
- invigoration,
- irritation,
- joie de vivre,
- keen desire,
- keenness,
- lathering up,
- life,
- lifetime,
- liveliness,
- living,
- long life,
- longevity,
- lustiness,
- mettle,
- motivation,
- moving,
- moving spirit,
- moxie,
- oomph,
- other-direction,
- pep,
- peppiness,
- perkiness,
- pertness,
- perturbation,
- piss and vinegar,
- pizzazz,
- playfulness,
- prompting,
- promptness,
- provocation,
- quickening,
- quickness,
- readiness,
- revitalization,
- revival,
- robustness,
- rollicksomeness,
- rompishness,
- skittishness,
- spirit,
- spiritedness,
- spirits,
- sportiveness,
- sprightliness,
- spriteliness,
- steaming up,
- stimulation,
- stimulus,
- stirring,
- stirring up,
- verve,
- viability,
- vigor,
- vim,
- vitality,
- vitalization,
- vivaciousness,
- vivacity,
- vivification,
- warmth,
- whipping up,
- working up,
- zest,
- zestfulness,
- zing,
- zip