Exact Match:
- approach
- the act of drawing spatially closer to something; "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"
- a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green; "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green"
- ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided"
- a close approximation; "the nearest approach to genius"
- the temporal property of becoming nearer in time; "the approach of winter"
- the event of one object coming closer to another
- make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
- come near in time; "Winter is approaching"; "approaching old age"
- move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"
- MO,
- access,
- accomplish,
- accomplishment,
- accordance,
- accost,
- achieve,
- achievement,
- act on,
- address,
- adit,
- advance,
- advances,
- advent,
- advise,
- agreement,
- air lock,
- algorithm,
- alikeness,
- alliance,
- analogy,
- answer,
- anticipate,
- ape,
- aping,
- apostrophize,
- appeal to,
- appear,
- appear like,
- appearance,
- apply to,
- approaches,
- appropinquate,
- approximate,
- approximation,
- arise,
- arrangement,
- arrival,
- arrive,
- arrive at,
- arrive in,
- asking price,
- assay,
- assimilation,
- asymptote,
- attack,
- attain,
- attain to,
- attainment,
- attempt,
- attitude,
- await,
- be around,
- be destined,
- be fated,
- be imminent,
- be in store,
- be like,
- be near,
- be received,
- be redolent of,
- be to be,
- be to come,
- bear down on,
- bear down upon,
- bear resemblance,
- bear up,
- bear upon,
- beg,
- begin to,
- beseech,
- bespeak,
- bid,
- blind landing,
- blow in,
- blueprint,
- blueprinting,
- bob up,
- bottleneck,
- break the ice,
- brew,
- bribe,
- bring to mind,
- buttonhole,
- buy,
- buy off,
- calculation,
- call,
- call to,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- center,
- centralize,
- chance,
- charting,
- check in,
- clock in,
- close,
- close in,
- close up,
- close with,
- closeness,
- collision course,
- come,
- come along,
- come close,
- come closer,
- come forth,
- come forward,
- come in,
- come into being,
- come into existence,
- come near,
- come on,
- come to,
- come to hand,
- come together,
- come up,
- coming,
- coming in,
- communicate with,
- community,
- comparability,
- compare with,
- comparison,
- concenter,
- concentralization,
- concentralize,
- concentrate,
- concentration,
- conception,
- concourse,
- concurrence,
- confer,
- confines,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- conformity,
- confront,
- congress,
- consult,
- contact,
- contrivance,
- converge,
- convergence,
- converging,
- copy,
- copying,
- correspond,
- correspond to,
- correspondence,
- corridor,
- corrupt,
- counsel,
- counterfeit,
- course,
- court,
- crack,
- crop up,
- crossing,
- cultivate,
- design,
- device,
- disposition,
- draw,
- draw near,
- draw nigh,
- draw on,
- effort,
- encounter,
- endeavor,
- engage,
- enterprise,
- entrance,
- entranceway,
- entreat,
- entry,
- entryway,
- environs,
- envisagement,
- equal,
- essay,
- establish connection,
- evoke,
- exert influence,
- expect,
- experiment,
- face,
- fall in with,
- fashion,
- favor,
- feeler,
- fetch,
- fetch up at,
- figuring,
- find,
- fix,
- fling,
- focalization,
- focus,
- follow,
- foreground,
- foresee,
- foresight,
- foretell,
- forethought,
- form,
- forthcome,
- forthcoming,
- funnel,
- futurity,
- gain,
- gain upon,
- gambit,
- game,
- gangplank,
- gangway,
- gather,
- get at,
- get cozy with,
- get in,
- get there,
- get to,
- get warm,
- go,
- graphing,
- grease,
- grease the palm,
- greet,
- ground plan,
- guidelines,
- guise,
- hail,
- hall,
- halloo,
- hang over,
- hit,
- hit town,
- hope,
- hover,
- hub,
- idea,
- identity,
- imitate,
- imitation,
- immediacy,
- immediate foreground,
- immediate future,
- imminence,
- impend,
- impendence,
- impendency,
- implore,
- importune,
- in,
- ingress,
- inlet,
- intake,
- intention,
- interrogate,
- intersect,
- invitation,
- invoke,
- landing,
- layout,
- lead on,
- lick,
- lie ahead,
- lie over,
- lift a finger,
- likeness,
- likening,
- line,
- line of action,
- lines,
- lineup,
- lobby,
- lobby through,
- long-range plan,
- look for,
- look forward to,
- look like,
- loom,
- lower,
- magnetize,
- maintain connection,
- make,
- make a pass,
- make advances,
- make an attempt,
- make an effort,
- make an overture,
- make contact with,
- make it,
- make overtures,
- make up to,
- manner,
- manner of working,
- mapping,
- master plan,
- match,
- materialize,
- means,
- means of access,
- meet,
- meeting,
- memorialize,
- menace,
- metaphor,
- method,
- methodology,
- mimic,
- mimicking,
- mirror,
- mode,
- mode of operation,
- mode of procedure,
- modus operandi,
- move,
- movement,
- mutual approach,
- narrow the gap,
- narrowing gap,
- near,
- near future,
- nearly reproduce,
- nearness,
- negotiate,
- neighborhood,
- nigh,
- nighness,
- nip,
- not tell apart,
- offer,
- offering,
- opening,
- operations research,
- order,
- organization,
- overhang,
- overture,
- overtures,
- parallel,
- parallelism,
- parity,
- parley,
- partake of,
- passage,
- passageway,
- path,
- pay addresses to,
- pay court to,
- pay off,
- pinch,
- plan,
- planning,
- planning function,
- play up to,
- plead,
- plot,
- pop up,
- practice,
- prearrangement,
- precinct,
- predict,
- preliminary approach,
- present itself,
- presentation,
- procedure,
- proceeding,
- process,
- proffer,
- program,
- program of action,
- project,
- prophesy,
- propinquity,
- proposals,
- propose to,
- proposition,
- propositions,
- proximate,
- proximity,
- pull in,
- pull strings,
- punch in,
- purchase,
- purlieus,
- question,
- radius,
- raise,
- rationalization,
- reach,
- reaching,
- relate to,
- remind one of,
- reply to,
- resemblance,
- resemble,
- respond to,
- ring in,
- rival,
- roll in,
- routine,
- run after,
- run together,
- salute,
- sameness,
- savor of,
- schedule,
- schema,
- schematism,
- schematization,
- scheme,
- scheme of arrangement,
- seem like,
- semblance,
- setup,
- shine up to,
- shot,
- show up,
- sidle up to,
- sign in,
- similarity,
- simile,
- similitude,
- simulate,
- simulation,
- smack of,
- solicit,
- sound like,
- sound out,
- speak,
- speak fair,
- speak to,
- spokes,
- spring up,
- stab,
- stack up,
- stack up with,
- step,
- step up,
- strategic plan,
- strategy,
- stroke,
- strong bid,
- style,
- submission,
- suborn,
- suggest,
- supplicate,
- system,
- systematization,
- tack,
- tactical plan,
- tactics,
- take after,
- take aside,
- take care of,
- talk to,
- tamper with,
- tangent,
- taper,
- technique,
- tentative,
- tentative approach,
- the big picture,
- the drill,
- the how,
- the picture,
- the way of,
- threaten,
- throw a pass,
- tickle the palm,
- time in,
- tone,
- touch,
- touchdown,
- trench,
- trial,
- trial and error,
- try,
- turn up,
- undertake,
- undertaking,
- unite,
- venture,
- venture on,
- venture upon,
- verge,
- vestibule,
- vicinage,
- vicinity,
- way,
- way in,
- whack,
- wire-pull,
- wise,
- work on,
- working plan