modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures; "like a wild young colt, very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled"
showing marked and often playful or irritating evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or committing statement; "a politician coy about his intentions"
affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
small and delicate; "she was an elfin creature--graceful and delicate"; "obsessed by things elfin and small"
suggestive of an elf in strangeness and otherworldliness; "thunderbolts quivered with elfin flares of heat lightning"; "the fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday"- John Mason Brown
usually good-naturedly mischievous; "perpetrated a practical joke with elfin delight"; "elvish tricks"
relating to or made or done by or as if by an elf; "elfin bells"; "all the little creatures joined in the elfin dance"
very small; "diminutive in stature"; "a lilliputian chest of drawers"; "her petite figure"; "tiny feet"; "the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy"
a reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record)
something that has been transcribed; a written record (usually typewritten) of dictated or recorded speech; "he read a transcript of the interrogation"; "you can obtain a transcript of this radio program by sending a self-addressed envelope to the station"