Exact Match:
- arrest
- the state of inactivity following an interruption; "the negotiations were in arrest"; "held them in check"; "during the halt he got some lunch"; "the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow"; "he spent the entire stop in his seat"
- Jacksonian epilepsy,
- Rolandic epilepsy,
- abdominal epilepsy,
- abduction,
- absorb,
- absorb the attention,
- access,
- acquired epilepsy,
- activated epilepsy,
- affect epilepsy,
- akinetic epilepsy,
- apoplexy,
- apprehend,
- apprehension,
- arrest,
- arrestation,
- arrested,
- arrestment,
- attach,
- attack,
- autonomic epilepsy,
- backpedal,
- backwater,
- balk,
- bearing rein,
- bell,
- bit,
- block,
- blockage,
- blocking,
- bottle up,
- brake,
- bridle,
- bring to,
- bring up short,
- bust,
- capture,
- cardiac epilepsy,
- catch,
- catching,
- cessation,
- chain,
- charm,
- check,
- checkmate,
- checkrein,
- chock,
- choke,
- clip the wings,
- clog,
- clogging,
- clonic spasm,
- clonus,
- closing up,
- closure,
- collar,
- collaring,
- compare,
- confine,
- constrain,
- constraint,
- constriction,
- contain,
- control,
- convulsion,
- cool,
- cool off,
- cooling,
- cooling down,
- cooling off,
- cortical epilepsy,
- countercheck,
- coup,
- cramp,
- curb,
- curb bit,
- cursive epilepsy,
- curtail,
- curtailment,
- cut short,
- cutoff,
- dam,
- dam up,
- damp,
- damper,
- dead stop,
- deadlock,
- decelerate,
- deceleration,
- delay,
- detain,
- detainment,
- detention,
- diurnal epilepsy,
- dompt,
- doorstop,
- drag,
- drag sail,
- dragnet,
- draw rein,
- drift anchor,
- drift sail,
- drogue,
- ease off,
- ease up,
- ease-off,
- ease-up,
- eclampsia,
- enchant,
- end,
- endgame,
- ending,
- engage,
- engage the attention,
- engage the mind,
- engage the thoughts,
- engross,
- engross the mind,
- engross the thoughts,
- enjoin,
- enthrall,
- epilepsia,
- epilepsia gravior,
- epilepsia major,
- epilepsia minor,
- epilepsia mitior,
- epilepsia nutans,
- epilepsia tarda,
- epilepsy,
- exercise,
- falling sickness,
- fascinate,
- fetter,
- final whistle,
- fit,
- fixation,
- flagging,
- focal epilepsy,
- foot-dragging,
- forcible seizure,
- forestall,
- freeze,
- frenzy,
- frustrate,
- full stop,
- govern,
- grab,
- grabbing,
- grand mal,
- grinding halt,
- grip,
- guard,
- gun,
- halt,
- hamper,
- hampering,
- haute mal,
- hinder,
- hindering,
- hindrance,
- hold,
- hold at bay,
- hold back,
- hold fast,
- hold in,
- hold in check,
- hold in leash,
- hold spellbound,
- hold the interest,
- hold up,
- holdback,
- holdup,
- hypnotize,
- hysterical epilepsy,
- ictus,
- immerse,
- immure,
- impede,
- impediment,
- imprison,
- imprisoned,
- in custody,
- incarcerate,
- inhibit,
- inhibition,
- injunction,
- intercept,
- interdict,
- interfere,
- interference,
- intermeddle,
- interpose,
- interrupt,
- interruption,
- intervene,
- involve,
- involve the interest,
- jail,
- keep,
- keep back,
- keep from,
- keep in,
- keep in check,
- keep under control,
- kidnapping,
- lag,
- larval epilepsy,
- laryngeal epilepsy,
- laryngospasm,
- latent epilepsy,
- lay hands on,
- lay under restraint,
- legal restraint,
- let,
- let down,
- let up,
- letdown,
- letup,
- lock up,
- lockjaw,
- lockout,
- lose ground,
- lose momentum,
- lose speed,
- make an arrest,
- make late,
- martingale,
- matutinal epilepsy,
- meddle,
- menstrual epilepsy,
- mesmerize,
- minus acceleration,
- moderate,
- monopolize,
- monopoly,
- musicogenic epilepsy,
- myoclonous epilepsy,
- nab,
- nabbing,
- negativism,
- net,
- netting,
- nick,
- nocturnal epilepsy,
- nuisance value,
- obsess,
- obstruct,
- obstruction,
- obstructionism,
- occlusion,
- occupy,
- occupy the attention,
- oppose,
- opposition,
- paroxysm,
- pelham,
- petit mal,
- physiologic epilepsy,
- pick up,
- picking up,
- pickup,
- pinch,
- power grab,
- prehension,
- preoccupy,
- prevent,
- prohibit,
- prohibition,
- protection,
- protectionism,
- protective tariff,
- psychic epilepsy,
- psychomotor epilepsy,
- pull,
- pull in,
- pull up,
- put paid to,
- put under arrest,
- rationing,
- reef,
- reflex epilepsy,
- rein,
- rein in,
- relax,
- remora,
- repress,
- repression,
- resist,
- resistance,
- restrain,
- restraint,
- restraint of trade,
- restriction,
- retard,
- retardation,
- retardment,
- retrench,
- retrenchment,
- rotatoria,
- run in,
- running in,
- scotch,
- sea anchor,
- seize,
- seizure,
- seizure of power,
- self-control,
- sensory epilepsy,
- serial epilepsy,
- set back,
- setback,
- shackle,
- sit-down strike,
- slack off,
- slack up,
- slack-up,
- slacken,
- slackening,
- slough,
- slow,
- slow down,
- slow up,
- slowdown,
- slowing,
- slowing down,
- slowup,
- snaffle,
- snatch,
- snatching,
- snub,
- spasm,
- spellbind,
- spoke,
- squeeze,
- stalemate,
- stall,
- stand,
- standoff,
- standstill,
- stay,
- stem,
- stem the tide,
- stop,
- stop cold,
- stop dead,
- stop short,
- stop up,
- stoppage,
- straiten,
- stranglehold,
- stricture,
- strike,
- stroke,
- suppress,
- suppression,
- take,
- take captive,
- take in,
- take in sail,
- take into custody,
- take prisoner,
- take up,
- taking,
- taking in,
- taking into custody,
- tardy epilepsy,
- tariff wall,
- tetanus,
- tetany,
- thought control,
- throes,
- thromboembolism,
- thrombosis,
- throttle down,
- thwart,
- tonic epilepsy,
- tonic spasm,
- torsion spasm,
- trammel,
- traumatic epilepsy,
- trismus,
- ucinate epilepsy,
- visitation,
- walkout,
- withhold,
- withstand,
- work stoppage