- a outrance,
- absolutely,
- all out,
- beyond all bounds,
- beyond comparison,
- beyond measure,
- completely,
- dead,
- downright,
- easily first,
- essentially,
- extremely,
- facile princeps,
- flat out,
- fundamentally,
- immeasurably,
- immortal,
- in the extreme,
- incalculably,
- incomparable,
- indefinitely,
- infinitely,
- inimitable,
- invincible,
- matchless,
- most,
- nulli secundus,
- peerless,
- perfectly,
- purely,
- radically,
- second to none,
- sui generis,
- totally,
- unapproachable,
- unapproached,
- unbeatable,
- unconditionally,
- unequaled,
- unequivocally,
- unexampled,
- unexcelled,
- unique,
- unmatchable,
- unmatched,
- unparagoned,
- unparalleled,
- unpeered,
- unrivaled,
- unsurpassable,
- unsurpassed,
- utterly,
- with a vengeance,
- without equal,
- without parallel