Exact Match:
- blast
- a very long fly ball
- an explosion (as of dynamite)
- use explosives on; "The enemy has been shelling us all day"
- make a strident sound; "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone"
- Bedlam let loose,
- accurse,
- aim at,
- anathematize,
- at full blast,
- attack,
- awake the dead,
- backfire,
- baffle,
- balk,
- bang,
- bark,
- barrage,
- bay,
- beat,
- bedlam,
- beep,
- bell,
- bellow,
- belt,
- blare,
- blaspheme,
- blast,
- blast the ear,
- blast-freeze,
- blat,
- blight,
- blitz,
- blot out,
- blow,
- blow a hurricane,
- blow great guns,
- blow out,
- blow over,
- blow the horn,
- blow to pieces,
- blow up,
- blowout,
- blowup,
- bluster,
- bobbery,
- bomb,
- bombard,
- boom,
- brave,
- brawl,
- bray,
- breeze,
- breeze up,
- brew,
- brouhaha,
- bugle,
- bump off,
- burst,
- bust,
- cancer,
- canker,
- cannon,
- cannonade,
- challenge,
- charge,
- charivari,
- checkmate,
- chirm,
- circumvent,
- clamor,
- clangor,
- clap,
- clarion,
- clatter,
- clobber,
- come up,
- commence firing,
- commotion,
- completely,
- confound,
- confront,
- congeal,
- contravene,
- counter,
- counteract,
- countermand,
- counterwork,
- crack,
- crash,
- crescendo,
- criticize,
- croak,
- cross,
- curse,
- damage,
- damn,
- darn,
- dash,
- deafen,
- defame,
- defeat,
- defy,
- demolish,
- denounce,
- destroy,
- detonate,
- detonation,
- devastate,
- din,
- discharge,
- discomfit,
- disconcert,
- discord,
- discountenance,
- discredit,
- dish,
- disrupt,
- do in,
- donnybrook,
- drub,
- drunken brawl,
- dry rot,
- dust,
- dustup,
- dynamite,
- elude,
- enfilade,
- entirely,
- erase,
- eruption,
- excommunicate,
- execrate,
- explode,
- explosion,
- fanfare,
- fill the air,
- fire,
- fire a volley,
- fire at,
- fire upon,
- fix,
- flap,
- flare,
- flash,
- flaw,
- flourish of trumpets,
- flummox,
- flurry,
- foil,
- fracas,
- free-for-all,
- freeze,
- freeze solid,
- freshen,
- frustrate,
- fulguration,
- fully,
- fulminate,
- fulminate against,
- fulmination,
- fungus,
- fusillade,
- gale,
- gather,
- get,
- give the business,
- glaciate,
- glacify,
- go off,
- gun down,
- gunshot,
- gust,
- hell broke loose,
- hex,
- hit,
- honk,
- howl,
- hubbub,
- hue and cry,
- huff,
- hullabaloo,
- ice,
- imprecate,
- injure,
- jangle,
- knock the chocks,
- lambaste,
- larrup,
- lay out,
- lay waste,
- let off,
- lick,
- load,
- loud noise,
- maximally,
- mildew,
- mine,
- mold,
- mortar,
- moth,
- moth and rust,
- must,
- nip,
- noise,
- noise and shouting,
- nonplus,
- off,
- open fire,
- open up on,
- outcry,
- overwhelm,
- pandemonium,
- payload,
- peal,
- pepper,
- perplex,
- pest,
- pipe,
- pipe up,
- polish off,
- pop,
- pop at,
- puff,
- quick-freeze,
- racket,
- rage,
- rake,
- rattle,
- rattle the windows,
- refreeze,
- regelate,
- rend the air,
- rend the ears,
- report,
- resound,
- rhubarb,
- ring,
- rise,
- roar,
- rock the sky,
- rot,
- row,
- rub out,
- ruckus,
- ruction,
- ruin,
- rumble,
- rumpus,
- rust,
- sabotage,
- salvo,
- scotch,
- scud,
- set in,
- set off,
- settle,
- shatter,
- shell,
- shellac,
- shindy,
- shivaree,
- shoot,
- shoot at,
- shot,
- shriek,
- shrivel,
- slam,
- slug,
- smash,
- smut,
- snipe,
- snipe at,
- sound,
- sound a tattoo,
- sound taps,
- spike,
- split the eardrums,
- split the ears,
- spoil,
- spring,
- squall,
- squeal,
- startle the echoes,
- stonewall,
- storm,
- strafe,
- stump,
- stun,
- stunt,
- surge,
- swell,
- take aim at,
- take care of,
- tantara,
- tantarara,
- taps,
- tarantara,
- tattoo,
- thoroughly,
- throw a whammy,
- thunder,
- thunder against,
- thunderclap,
- thwart,
- tintamarre,
- toot,
- tootle,
- torpedo,
- touch off,
- trumpet,
- trumpet blast,
- trumpet call,
- tumult,
- tweedle,
- uproar,
- upset,
- volley,
- waft,
- wallop,
- warhead,
- waste,
- wham,
- whiff,
- whiffle,
- whistle,
- wind,
- wind gust,
- wipe out,
- wither,
- worm,
- wreck,
- zap,
- zero in on