Exact Match:
- blow
- forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth; "he gave his nose a loud blow"; "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"
- a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon; "a blow on the head"
- an impact (as from a collision); "the bump threw him off the bicycle"
- exhale hard; "blow on the soup to cool it down"
- free of obstruction by blowing air through; "blow one's nose"
- burst suddenly; "The tire blew"; "We blew a tire"
- shape by blowing; "Blow a glass vase"
- allow to regain its breath; "blow a horse"
- cause to be revealed and jeopardized; "The story blew their cover"; "The double agent was blown by the other side"
- lay eggs; "certain insects are said to blow"
- spout moist air from the blowhole; "The whales blew"
- cause to move by means of an air current; "The wind blew the leaves around in the yard"
- cause air to go in, on, or through; "Blow my hair dry"
- play or sound a wind instrument; "She blew the horn"
- make a sound as if blown; "The whistle blew"
- sound by having air expelled through a tube; "The trumpets blew"
- spend lavishly or wastefully on; "He blew a lot of money on his new home theater"
- be blowing or storming; "The wind blew from the West"
- Barnumize,
- Lucullan feast,
- accident,
- accomplished fact,
- accomplishment,
- ache,
- achievement,
- aching,
- act,
- acta,
- action,
- adventure,
- amplify,
- anthesis,
- astonishment,
- bafflement,
- bagpipe,
- balk,
- bang,
- banquet,
- bash,
- bastinado,
- bat,
- bay,
- be in bloom,
- be in flower,
- bean-feast,
- beano,
- bear fruit,
- beat it,
- beating,
- beep,
- bell,
- belt,
- betrayed hope,
- biff,
- black squall,
- blare,
- blast,
- blasted expectation,
- blat,
- blighted hope,
- blizzard,
- blockbuster,
- bloom,
- blooming,
- blossom,
- blossoming,
- blow,
- blow a horn,
- blow a hurricane,
- blow great guns,
- blow off,
- blow out,
- blow over,
- blow the horn,
- blow up,
- blowhard,
- blowing,
- blowout,
- blunder away,
- bluster,
- bobble,
- bomb,
- bombast,
- bombshell,
- bonk,
- boot,
- bop,
- botch,
- box,
- brag,
- bray,
- break,
- break down,
- breath,
- breathe,
- breathe hard,
- breathe in,
- breathe out,
- breather,
- breathing space,
- breeze,
- breeze up,
- brew,
- bring to maturity,
- buffet,
- bugger up,
- bugle,
- bump,
- bungle,
- burgeon,
- burn out,
- burst,
- burst into bloom,
- bust,
- calamity,
- carillon,
- casualty,
- cataclysm,
- catastrophe,
- catch,
- chop,
- clarion,
- clean out,
- clear,
- clear away,
- clear off,
- clear out,
- clear the decks,
- clip,
- clout,
- clump,
- cock-a-doodle-doo,
- collapse,
- collision,
- come to fruition,
- come up,
- comedown,
- concussion,
- consume,
- contretemps,
- cough,
- coup,
- crack,
- crack up,
- crack-up,
- cramp,
- crash,
- crow,
- cruel disappointment,
- cuff,
- cut,
- cyclone,
- dash,
- dashed hope,
- dealings,
- deed,
- defeat,
- defecate,
- depart,
- deplete,
- destroy,
- detonate,
- dig,
- ding,
- dint,
- disappointment,
- disaster,
- discomfiture,
- disillusionment,
- dissatisfaction,
- dissipate,
- distend,
- distress,
- dither,
- dog it,
- doing,
- doings,
- dolor,
- doodle,
- double-tongue,
- douse,
- drain,
- droop,
- drop,
- drop a brick,
- drop the ball,
- drub,
- drubbing,
- drumming,
- duck and run,
- duck out,
- duff,
- dynamite,
- earthshaker,
- effloresce,
- efflorescence,
- effort,
- eliminate,
- embroider,
- emit,
- empty,
- empty out,
- endeavor,
- enlarge,
- enterprise,
- equinoctial,
- evacuate,
- exaggerate,
- exhale,
- exhaust,
- exit,
- expand,
- expel,
- expire,
- explode,
- exploit,
- extinguish,
- eye-opener,
- failure,
- faint,
- fait accompli,
- fallen countenance,
- fan,
- fatigue,
- feast,
- feat,
- festal board,
- fiasco,
- fife,
- fizzle,
- flag,
- flare up,
- flaw,
- floreate,
- florescence,
- floret,
- floriculture,
- floscule,
- flourish,
- flower,
- flowerage,
- floweret,
- flowering,
- flub,
- fluff,
- flurry,
- flute,
- foiling,
- fool away,
- foozle,
- forlorn hope,
- foul up,
- freshen,
- fritter,
- frustration,
- fuck up,
- full bloom,
- fumble,
- fume,
- fusillade,
- gale,
- gamble away,
- gardening,
- gasconade,
- gasp,
- gather,
- gest,
- get away,
- get off,
- get tired,
- give off,
- give out,
- give vent to,
- go,
- go through,
- goof,
- goof up,
- grief,
- groaning board,
- grow up,
- grow weary,
- gulp,
- gust,
- hack,
- half a gale,
- hand,
- handiwork,
- hang the expense,
- heave,
- heavy blow,
- hesitate,
- hiccup,
- hit,
- honk,
- hope deferred,
- horticulture,
- hortorium,
- huff,
- hurricane,
- hurt,
- ill hap,
- ill wind,
- increase,
- inflate,
- inhale,
- injury,
- inspire,
- jab,
- jade,
- jar,
- job,
- joker,
- jolt,
- kicker,
- knock,
- lam,
- lavish,
- lay it on,
- leave,
- lesion,
- let out,
- letdown,
- lick,
- line squall,
- line storm,
- lip,
- louse up,
- magnify,
- maneuver,
- maturate,
- mature,
- measure,
- mellow,
- mess,
- mess up,
- mirage,
- misadventure,
- mischance,
- misfortune,
- mishap,
- mismanage,
- mouth,
- move,
- muck up,
- muff,
- nasty blow,
- open the floodgates,
- open the sluices,
- operation,
- overstate,
- overt act,
- pain,
- pang,
- pant,
- passage,
- passion,
- peal,
- pelt,
- percussion,
- performance,
- peripeteia,
- peter out,
- pile it on,
- pileup,
- pipe,
- pipe up,
- play out,
- plug,
- plunk,
- poke,
- pontificate,
- poop out,
- posy,
- pound,
- prate,
- proceeding,
- production,
- puff,
- puff and blow,
- pull a boner,
- pull out,
- punch,
- purge,
- quit,
- rage,
- rap,
- reach its season,
- reach maturity,
- reek,
- remove,
- res gestae,
- respire,
- respite,
- retire,
- revelation,
- ripe,
- ripen,
- rodomontade,
- ruffle,
- run down,
- run out,
- run through,
- scatter,
- scour out,
- scram,
- screw up,
- scud,
- seize the day,
- set in,
- set up,
- setback,
- shatter,
- shilly-shally,
- shipwreck,
- shock,
- shocker,
- shoot the shit,
- short-circuit,
- shout,
- shriek,
- sigh,
- sink,
- skin out,
- slam,
- slap,
- slather,
- slog,
- slosh,
- slug,
- smack,
- smash,
- smashup,
- smoke,
- sneeze,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snort,
- snuff,
- snuffle,
- sock,
- sore,
- sore disappointment,
- sore spot,
- sound,
- sound a tattoo,
- sound taps,
- souse,
- sow broadcast,
- spasm,
- spend,
- squall,
- squall line,
- squander,
- squeal,
- staggerer,
- staggering blow,
- stand,
- startler,
- steam,
- step,
- storm,
- storm wind,
- stormy winds,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- stroke,
- strong wind,
- stunt,
- succumb,
- suffering,
- surprisal,
- surprise,
- surprise ending,
- surprise package,
- surprise party,
- swap,
- swat,
- sweep out,
- swell,
- swing,
- swipe,
- switch,
- take a powder,
- talk big,
- talk highfalutin,
- tantalization,
- tattoo,
- tease,
- tempest,
- tempestuous wind,
- ten,
- tender spot,
- thick squall,
- thing,
- thing done,
- throes,
- throw away,
- throw money around,
- throw off,
- throw out,
- thump,
- thunderbolt,
- thunderclap,
- thundersquall,
- thwack,
- tire,
- token punishment,
- tongue,
- toot,
- tootle,
- tornado,
- tour de force,
- tragedy,
- transaction,
- trifle away,
- triple-tongue,
- tropical cyclone,
- trumpet,
- turn,
- tweedle,
- typhoon,
- ugly wind,
- unclog,
- undertaking,
- unfolding,
- unfoldment,
- unfoul,
- vacillate,
- vamoose,
- vapor,
- vaunt,
- vent,
- violent blow,
- void,
- waft,
- wallop,
- waste,
- weary,
- welt,
- whack,
- wheeze,
- whiff,
- whiffle,
- whine,
- whirlwind,
- whistle,
- white squall,
- whole gale,
- whomp,
- whop,
- wildflower,
- williwaw,
- wilt,
- wind,
- wind gust,
- wind the horn,
- wind-shift line,
- windstorm,
- winnow,
- withdraw,
- work,
- works,
- wound,
- wreck,
- wrench,
- yerk