Exact Match:
- border
- a strip forming the outer edge of something; "the rug had a wide blue border"
- lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland"
- provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery"
- Berlin wall,
- Japanese garden,
- Pillars of Hercules,
- abut,
- abut on,
- act drop,
- adjoin,
- alpine garden,
- ambit,
- approach,
- approximate,
- arboretum,
- arena,
- asbestos,
- asbestos board,
- backdrop,
- bailiwick,
- bamboo curtain,
- bank,
- batten,
- be contiguous,
- be in contact,
- beam,
- beat,
- bed,
- befringe,
- beginning,
- bind,
- binding,
- board,
- bog garden,
- border ground,
- border on,
- borderland,
- borderline,
- borders,
- bordure,
- botanical garden,
- bound,
- boundary,
- bounds,
- brim,
- brink,
- broadside,
- brow,
- butt,
- cheek,
- chop,
- circle,
- circuit,
- circumference,
- circumscribe,
- cloth,
- coast,
- communicate,
- compare,
- confine,
- confines,
- conjoin,
- connect,
- contour,
- cortex,
- coulisse,
- counterweight,
- covering,
- crust,
- curtain,
- curtain board,
- cyclorama,
- dado,
- decor,
- define,
- delineate,
- demesne,
- department,
- domain,
- dominion,
- door,
- drop,
- drop curtain,
- dry garden,
- edge,
- edging,
- encircle,
- enclose,
- end,
- enframe,
- entrance,
- envelope,
- epidermis,
- exterior,
- external,
- extremity,
- facade,
- face,
- facet,
- featheredge,
- field,
- fire curtain,
- flange,
- flank,
- flat,
- flipper,
- flower bed,
- flower garden,
- frame,
- frieze,
- fringe,
- front,
- frontier,
- frontier post,
- garden,
- garden spot,
- grape ranch,
- grapery,
- hand,
- handedness,
- hanging,
- haunch,
- hem,
- hemisphere,
- herbarium,
- hip,
- hortus siccus,
- integument,
- iron curtain,
- jardin,
- join,
- jowl,
- judicial circuit,
- jurisdiction,
- kitchen garden,
- labellum,
- labium,
- labrum,
- lap,
- laterality,
- ledge,
- lie by,
- limb,
- limbus,
- limit,
- limits,
- line,
- lineaments,
- lines,
- lip,
- list,
- many-sidedness,
- march,
- marches,
- marchland,
- marge,
- margin,
- marginate,
- mark off,
- market garden,
- metes and bounds,
- multilaterality,
- near,
- neighbor,
- orb,
- orbit,
- ornamental garden,
- outer face,
- outer layer,
- outer side,
- outer skin,
- outline,
- outpost,
- outside,
- outskirts,
- pale,
- paradise,
- perimeter,
- periphery,
- pinetum,
- planking,
- precinct,
- profile,
- province,
- purfle,
- purl,
- quarter,
- rag,
- ragged edge,
- realm,
- rim,
- rind,
- rock garden,
- roof garden,
- round,
- scene,
- scenery,
- screen,
- selvage,
- set off,
- shell,
- shore,
- shrubbery,
- side,
- side scene,
- sideline,
- siding,
- skin,
- skirt,
- sphere,
- stage screw,
- stand by,
- sunken garden,
- superficies,
- superstratum,
- surface,
- surround,
- tab,
- tableau,
- tea garden,
- teaser,
- temple,
- termination,
- three-mile limit,
- threshold,
- top,
- tormentor,
- touch,
- transformation,
- transformation scene,
- trench,
- trim,
- trimming,
- truck garden,
- twelve-mile limit,
- unilaterality,
- vegetable garden,
- verge,
- verge upon,
- victory garden,
- vinery,
- vineyard,
- wainscot,
- wainscoting,
- walk,
- wing,
- wingcut,
- woodcut