Exact Match:
- break
- an escape from jail; "the breakout was carefully planned"
- a sudden dash; "he made a break for the open door"
- an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks"; "there was a gap in his account"
- (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving; "he was up two breaks in the second set"
- the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool
- an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion); "then there was a break in her voice"
- an unexpected piece of good luck; "he finally got his big break"
- the occurrence of breaking; "the break in the dam threatened the valley"
- weaken or destroy in spirit or body; "His resistance was broken"; "a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death"
- diminish or discontinue abruptly; "The patient's fever broke last night"
- fall sharply; "stock prices broke"
- be broken in; "If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress"
- crack; of the male voice in puberty; "his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"
- render inoperable or ineffective; "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
- become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart"
- destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments; "He broke the glass plate"; "She broke the match"
- happen; "Report the news as it develops"; "These political movements recrudesce from time to time"
- prevent completion; "stop the project"; "break off the negotiations"
- change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another; "Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children"
- come into being; "light broke over the horizon"; "Voices broke in the air"
- find the solution or key to; "break the code"
- find a flaw in; "break an alibi"; "break down a proof"
- undergo breaking; "The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages"
- interrupt the flow of current in; "break a circuit"
- be released or become known; of news; "News of her death broke in the morning"
- pierce or penetrate; "The blade broke her skin"
- become punctured or penetrated; "The skin broke"
- break a piece from a whole; "break a branch from a tree"
- go to pieces; "The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely"
- ruin completely; "He busted my radio!"
- separate from a clinch, in boxing; "The referee broke the boxers"
- make the opening shot that scatters the balls
- destroy the completeness of a set of related items; "The book dealer would not break the set"
- exchange for smaller units of money; "I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"
- force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger"
- curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves; "The surf broke"
- emerge from the surface of a body of water; "The whales broke"
- scatter or part; "The clouds broke after the heavy downpour"
- make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing; "The ranks broke"
- move away or escape suddenly; "The horses broke from the stable"; "Three inmates broke jail"; "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security"
- change directions suddenly
- invalidate by judicial action; "The will was broken"
- interrupt a continued activity; "She had broken with the traditional patterns"
- cause the failure or ruin of; "His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage"; "This play will either make or break the playwright"
- happen or take place; "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"
- come forth or begin from a state of latency; "The first winter storm broke over New York"
- give up; "break cigarette smoking"
- cause to give up a habit; "She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes"
- vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity; "The flat plain was broken by tall mesas"
- come to an end; "The heat wave finally broke yesterday"
- abeyance,
- about ship,
- about-face,
- abrade,
- abrasion,
- abscond,
- abysm,
- abyss,
- accidentality,
- acclimate,
- acclimatize,
- accommodate,
- accommodation,
- accustom,
- actuarial calculation,
- adapt,
- adaptation,
- adjust,
- adjustment,
- adventitiousness,
- agree to disagree,
- alienation,
- alter,
- alteration,
- ameliorate,
- amelioration,
- announce,
- apostasy,
- appear,
- apprentice,
- arrearage,
- arroyo,
- back and fill,
- bankrupt,
- bark,
- be at cross-purposes,
- be changed,
- be converted into,
- be poised,
- be renewed,
- be ruined,
- bear away,
- bear market,
- bear off,
- bear to starboard,
- bearish market,
- beat,
- beat about,
- beat down,
- become insolvent,
- become public,
- bed,
- bed down,
- befall,
- begin,
- bend,
- betide,
- betterment,
- billow,
- blemish,
- blessing,
- bloody,
- blooper,
- blow,
- boner,
- boo-boo,
- boot,
- bottom out,
- bounce,
- box canyon,
- box off,
- breach,
- breach of friendship,
- break,
- break away,
- break down,
- break forth,
- break ground,
- break in,
- break of,
- break off,
- break open,
- break out,
- break the ice,
- break through,
- break to harness,
- break up,
- break with,
- breakage,
- breakout,
- breath,
- breathe,
- breather,
- breathing place,
- breathing space,
- breathing spell,
- breathing time,
- breed,
- bridle,
- brighten,
- bring about,
- bring low,
- bring round,
- bring to terms,
- bring up,
- broken circuit,
- browbeat,
- brush,
- bulldoze,
- bully,
- bump,
- bunk,
- burglarize,
- burgle,
- burn,
- burn off,
- burst,
- burst forth,
- burst in,
- bust,
- buzz about,
- caesura,
- call a break,
- call time,
- can,
- cant,
- cant round,
- canyon,
- case harden,
- cashier,
- cast,
- cast about,
- castrate,
- casualness,
- cave,
- cave in,
- cavity,
- cease,
- cease-fire,
- cessation,
- chafe,
- chance,
- change,
- change course,
- change of heart,
- change the heading,
- changeableness,
- chap,
- chasm,
- cheapen,
- cheapening,
- check,
- checker,
- chimney,
- chink,
- chip,
- chop,
- chop and change,
- cigarette break,
- cipher,
- circuit,
- circuital field,
- circulate,
- clamp down on,
- clash,
- claw,
- cleavage,
- cleave,
- cleft,
- cleuch,
- closed circuit,
- clough,
- cocktail hour,
- coerce,
- coffee break,
- col,
- collapse,
- collide,
- comb,
- come about,
- come apart,
- come around,
- come forth,
- come off,
- come out,
- come round,
- come unstuck,
- commence,
- comminute,
- communicate,
- compel,
- complete circuit,
- concussion,
- condition,
- confirm,
- conflict,
- confound,
- confute,
- conk out,
- conquer,
- constructive change,
- continuity,
- contradict,
- contravene,
- controvert,
- conversion,
- convey,
- coulee,
- couloir,
- counter,
- cow,
- crack,
- crackle,
- cranny,
- crash,
- craze,
- crevasse,
- crevice,
- cripple,
- crumble,
- crumple,
- crush,
- cryptanalyze,
- cultivate,
- cure,
- curry,
- currycomb,
- cut,
- cut apart,
- cut off,
- cut prices,
- cwm,
- dash,
- daunt,
- dawn,
- day off,
- dead circuit,
- debilitate,
- decamp,
- decipher,
- declare a recess,
- decline,
- declining market,
- decompose,
- deconsecrate,
- decrypt,
- defalcation,
- defeat,
- defect,
- defection,
- deficiency,
- deficit,
- defile,
- deflate,
- deflation,
- defrock,
- defy,
- degenerate,
- degeneration,
- degenerative change,
- degrade,
- deliverance,
- delivery,
- dell,
- dement,
- demerit,
- demolish,
- demoralize,
- demote,
- depart,
- depart from,
- deplume,
- depose,
- depreciate,
- depreciation,
- deprive,
- despotize,
- destiny,
- destroy,
- detach,
- deteriorate,
- deterioration,
- dethrone,
- devaluate,
- devaluation,
- develop,
- deviate,
- deviation,
- differ,
- difference,
- dike,
- disaccord,
- disaccustom,
- disaffection,
- disagree,
- disarrange,
- disavow,
- disband,
- disbar,
- discipline,
- disclose,
- disconfirm,
- discontinuation,
- discontinue,
- discontinuity,
- discourage,
- discrown,
- disemploy,
- disengage,
- disenthrone,
- disfavor,
- disgrade,
- disintegrate,
- disjoin,
- dismiss,
- disobey,
- disperse,
- displace,
- displume,
- disregard,
- disrupt,
- disruption,
- dissent,
- dissolve,
- disturb,
- disunion,
- disunity,
- ditch,
- dive,
- diverge,
- divergence,
- diversification,
- diversify,
- diversion,
- diversity,
- divide,
- dividedness,
- division,
- divulge,
- do violence to,
- domesticate,
- domesticize,
- domineer,
- domineer over,
- donga,
- double a point,
- downgrade,
- downtime,
- draw,
- drench,
- drill,
- droop,
- drop,
- drum out,
- ease up,
- ebb and flow,
- educate,
- emerge,
- emergence,
- end,
- enforced respite,
- enslave,
- erupt,
- escape,
- escapism,
- establish,
- estrangement,
- evasion,
- evert,
- excavation,
- excommunicate,
- exercise,
- exfoliate,
- exhaust,
- expel,
- explode,
- extrication,
- fade,
- fail,
- faint,
- fall,
- fall in price,
- fall out,
- fall to pieces,
- falling-out,
- familiarize,
- fate,
- fault,
- faux,
- feed,
- fell,
- fetch about,
- fetch up,
- find vent,
- fire,
- fissure,
- fit,
- fitting,
- fix,
- fizzle out,
- flag,
- flash burn,
- flatten,
- flaw,
- flee,
- flight,
- flip-flop,
- flop,
- flout,
- fluke,
- flukiness,
- flume,
- fly,
- fly about,
- fodder,
- foil,
- fold,
- fold up,
- form,
- fortuitousness,
- fortuity,
- fortune,
- foster,
- found,
- fracture,
- fragment,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- freeing,
- fret,
- frustrate,
- furlough,
- furrow,
- gaffe,
- gall,
- galvanic circuit,
- gamble,
- gap,
- gape,
- gash,
- gentle,
- get about,
- get abroad,
- get afloat,
- get around,
- get exposure,
- get through,
- getaway,
- give away,
- give out,
- give the ax,
- give the gate,
- give up,
- give way,
- go,
- go about,
- go bankrupt,
- go broke,
- go downhill,
- go forth,
- go into receivership,
- go soft,
- go the rounds,
- go to pieces,
- go to pot,
- go to ruin,
- go under,
- go up,
- good fortune,
- good luck,
- gorge,
- gradual change,
- grind,
- grind down,
- groom,
- groove,
- grow bright,
- grow light,
- gulch,
- gulf,
- gully,
- gybe,
- habituate,
- half time,
- half-time intermission,
- halt,
- handle,
- hap,
- happenstance,
- happy chance,
- happy hour,
- harden,
- harness,
- haul around,
- have currency,
- heave,
- heave round,
- heedless hap,
- henpeck,
- hesitation,
- hiatus,
- hit the skids,
- hitch,
- hole,
- holiday,
- hot circuit,
- house-train,
- housebreak,
- how they fall,
- humble,
- humiliate,
- hurt,
- ignore,
- impart,
- impoverish,
- impropriety,
- improve,
- improvement,
- inaugurate,
- incise,
- incision,
- indecorum,
- indeterminacy,
- indeterminateness,
- infract,
- infringe,
- initiate,
- injure,
- injury,
- innovate,
- interfere,
- interim,
- interject,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- intermit,
- intermittence,
- interpose,
- interregnum,
- interrupt,
- interruption,
- interval,
- intervene,
- intimidate,
- intrude,
- inure,
- irregularity,
- issuance,
- issue,
- jailbreak,
- jangle,
- jar,
- jew down,
- jibe,
- jibe all standing,
- joint,
- jostle,
- keep down,
- keep under,
- kick,
- kick upstairs,
- kloof,
- knock off,
- lacerate,
- laceration,
- lack,
- lacuna,
- languish,
- lapse,
- lateral circuit,
- law of averages,
- lay off,
- layoff,
- leak,
- leakage,
- leave,
- leg,
- lesion,
- let go,
- let out,
- letup,
- liberation,
- lick into shape,
- lift,
- light,
- lighten,
- liquidate,
- litter,
- live circuit,
- look-in,
- loop,
- lord it over,
- lot,
- lower,
- lowering,
- luck,
- lucky break,
- lucky strike,
- lull,
- magnetic circuit,
- maim,
- make mincemeat of,
- make public,
- make redundant,
- manage,
- mark down,
- markdown,
- master,
- maul,
- meliorate,
- melioration,
- microcircuit,
- milk,
- mismatch,
- mismate,
- miss stays,
- missing link,
- mitigate,
- mitigation,
- moat,
- modification,
- modulate,
- modulation,
- moira,
- mortal wound,
- multiple circuit,
- multiple series,
- mutate,
- mutilate,
- mutilation,
- naturalize,
- need,
- negate,
- nose dive,
- nose-dive,
- notch,
- nullah,
- nurse,
- nurture,
- object,
- occasion,
- occur,
- off market,
- off-time,
- offend,
- omission,
- open,
- open rupture,
- opening,
- opportunity,
- oppress,
- orient,
- orientate,
- oust,
- out,
- outage,
- outlet,
- overawe,
- overbear,
- overcome,
- overmaster,
- override,
- overthrow,
- overwhelm,
- pare,
- parenthesis,
- pass,
- pass on,
- passage,
- path,
- pauper,
- pauperize,
- pause,
- peak,
- peg out,
- penetrate,
- pension,
- pension off,
- peter out,
- pierce,
- pine,
- plateau,
- plummet,
- plummeting,
- plunge,
- ply,
- point of repose,
- poop out,
- popple,
- practice,
- prepare,
- press heavy on,
- price cut,
- price fall,
- price reduction,
- principle of indeterminacy,
- printed circuit,
- prisonbreak,
- probability,
- problematicness,
- prostrate,
- puncture,
- purge,
- put about,
- put back,
- put down,
- put in tune,
- put to school,
- puzzle out,
- qualification,
- quell,
- quiet spell,
- radical change,
- raise,
- random sample,
- ravine,
- re-creation,
- read out of,
- ready,
- realignment,
- rear,
- rebut,
- recall of ambassadors,
- recess,
- redesign,
- reduce,
- reduction,
- reform,
- reformation,
- refute,
- rehearse,
- relax,
- release,
- relief,
- remaking,
- remission,
- remove,
- remove from office,
- rend,
- renewal,
- renounce,
- rent,
- replace,
- repress,
- repudiate,
- rescue,
- reshaping,
- resolve,
- respite,
- rest,
- resting point,
- restructuring,
- retire,
- retreating market,
- reveal,
- reversal,
- revival,
- revive,
- revivification,
- revolution,
- riddance,
- ride down,
- ride over,
- ride roughshod over,
- rift,
- rime,
- rip,
- rise,
- rise and fall,
- risk,
- rive,
- rob,
- roll,
- round a point,
- rub down,
- ruin,
- run,
- run of luck,
- rupture,
- sack,
- saddle,
- sag,
- sagging market,
- savage,
- scald,
- scale,
- scape,
- scatter,
- scend,
- schism,
- scissure,
- scorch,
- scotch,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- scuff,
- scuttle,
- seam,
- season,
- second-degree burn,
- see the light,
- send,
- send to school,
- separate forcibly,
- separation,
- serendipity,
- series multiple,
- set at defiance,
- set at naught,
- set naught by,
- set up,
- setting-free,
- sever,
- shard,
- shatter,
- shave,
- sheer,
- shift,
- shiver,
- short,
- short circuit,
- shortage,
- shot,
- show,
- shut down,
- sink,
- skin,
- slash,
- slew,
- slice,
- slit,
- slot,
- slump,
- smash,
- snap,
- snap the thread,
- soft market,
- solecism,
- sore,
- spell,
- splinter,
- split,
- sprain,
- spread,
- spread about,
- spread like wildfire,
- spring a leak,
- squeak,
- stab,
- stab wound,
- stand-down,
- start,
- statistical probability,
- stay,
- stick,
- stop,
- stop for breath,
- strain,
- streak of luck,
- strip,
- strip of office,
- strip of rank,
- stroke of luck,
- subdue,
- subjugate,
- sudden change,
- superannuate,
- suppress,
- surcease,
- surge,
- surplus,
- suspend,
- suspension,
- swell,
- swerve,
- swing round,
- swing the stern,
- switch,
- tack,
- take a break,
- take a recess,
- take a rest,
- take a turn,
- take five,
- take in hand,
- take ten,
- take the plunge,
- take time out,
- tame,
- tea break,
- tear,
- tell,
- ten,
- tend,
- terrorize,
- the breaks,
- theory of probability,
- third-degree burn,
- throw about,
- time,
- time off,
- time out,
- toss,
- total change,
- train,
- trample down,
- trample on,
- trample underfoot,
- trample upon,
- transgress,
- transition,
- transmit,
- transpire,
- trauma,
- traumatize,
- tread down,
- tread underfoot,
- tread upon,
- trench,
- trespass,
- trim,
- truce,
- turn,
- turn aside,
- turn back,
- turn into,
- turn off,
- turn out,
- turn over,
- turn the corner,
- turnabout,
- tyrannize,
- tyrannize over,
- ullage,
- uncertainty,
- uncertainty principle,
- unchurch,
- undergo a change,
- undermine,
- undulate,
- unevenness,
- unfold,
- unfrock,
- unman,
- unravel,
- unriddle,
- unsaddle,
- unseat,
- unthrone,
- upheaval,
- vacation,
- valley,
- vanquish,
- variation,
- variety,
- vary,
- vector field,
- veer,
- vent,
- violate,
- violent change,
- void,
- wadi,
- walk all over,
- walk over,
- want,
- wantage,
- warp,
- water,
- wave,
- weaken,
- wean,
- wear,
- wear away,
- wear out,
- wear ship,
- wear thin,
- weary,
- weigh heavy on,
- whatever comes,
- wilt,
- wind,
- wont,
- worsen,
- worsening,
- wound,
- wounds immedicable,
- wrench,
- yaw,
- yield,
- yoke