Exact Match:
- bring about
- cause to move into the opposite direction; "they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching"
- about ship,
- accomplish,
- achieve,
- act,
- author,
- back and fill,
- be productive,
- bear,
- bear away,
- bear off,
- bear to starboard,
- beat,
- beat about,
- beget,
- box off,
- break,
- breed,
- bring forth,
- bring into being,
- bring off,
- bring round,
- bring to effect,
- bring to fruition,
- bring to pass,
- call forth,
- call up,
- cant,
- cant round,
- carry into execution,
- carry off,
- carry out,
- carry through,
- cast,
- cast about,
- cause,
- change course,
- change the heading,
- come about,
- come through with,
- commit,
- conceive,
- create,
- do,
- do to,
- double a point,
- effect,
- effectuate,
- elicit,
- engender,
- engineer,
- establish,
- evoke,
- execute,
- father,
- fetch about,
- found,
- generate,
- gestate,
- get through,
- give birth to,
- give occasion to,
- give origin to,
- give rise to,
- go about,
- go and do,
- gybe,
- heave round,
- implement,
- inaugurate,
- industrialize,
- inflict,
- inspire,
- institute,
- jibe,
- jibe all standing,
- make,
- mass-produce,
- miss stays,
- muster up,
- occasion,
- originate,
- overproduce,
- pay,
- perform,
- perpetrate,
- ply,
- produce,
- prompt,
- provoke,
- pull off,
- put about,
- put across,
- put back,
- put over,
- put through,
- realize,
- render,
- round a point,
- set afloat,
- set on foot,
- set up,
- sheer,
- shift,
- sire,
- slew,
- summon up,
- swerve,
- swing round,
- swing the stern,
- tack,
- take and do,
- throw about,
- turn,
- turn back,
- up and do,
- veer,
- volume-produce,
- wear,
- wear ship,
- wind,
- work,
- wreak,
- yaw