(usually in the plural) leather leggings without a seat; joined by a belt; often have flared outer flaps; worn over trousers by cowboys to protect their legs
a crack in a lip caused usually by cold
a boy or man; "that chap is your host"; "there's a fellow at the door"; "he's a likable cuss"
crack due to dehydration; "My lips chap in this dry weather"
derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin; "the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic"
something that comes into existence as a result; "industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring"; "this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts"
the immediate descendants of a person; "she was the mother of many offspring"; "he died without issue"